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11 Patriots Memes For Those Who Bow Down To Brady

by Lindsay E. Mack

Hey sports fans: it's that time of year again. Super Bowl 51 will take place on Feb. 5, with the New England Patriots facing off against the Atlanta Falcons. And, as with any event, the internet has already put its own spin on the big game with these Patriots memes for fans. If you're a longtime fan of the Patriots, or you just take special delight in watching the dirty birds go down, then these memes are for you.

Sure, it's easy to get distracted by all the talk about Super Bowl ads, game day recipes, and Lady Gaga's halftime performance. (Not to mention Puppy Bowl.) These are all great, of course, but nothing takes away from the fact that there's a major football game, too. Whatever the outcome, sports history will be made.

So if you rock a Pat Patriot tattoo and curse the Jets at any and every opportunity, then these memes are sure to get you even more in the game day spirit. Chances are, you'll have even more reasons to proclaim Tom Brady The GOAT. Whatever goes down on Sunday, you're sure to be in for a great game. In the meantime, kick back and have a few laughs, all courtesy of the internet's greatest sports pundits.

1On The Road To NRG

How else can you arrive in Houston?

2Keeping Things Classy

Hey, even the dirtiest trash talker knows when to recognize talent.

3Counting High

Mr. Brady is on the hunt for a thumb ring.

4Let's Gooo

He can shoulder the weight of another win.

5Oh Snap

Even the best fans can throw a little shade now and then.

6Admitting The Truth

Four Super Bowl wins is nothing to laugh at . . . not that anyone's counting.

7It's Catchy

Again, a little shade never hurt.

8Hit Me

The math checks out.

9Going Old-School

Sometimes you have to bust out the markers and whiteboard to make a point.

10Show Of Support

These fans don't phone it in.

11Hogan Knows Best

Focus on what's important.