
11 Simple Gestures That Make People Feel Extremely Loved
To be completely transparent, there are some days that I feel alone. Now that may be because I'm away from my family and most of the friends I grew up with, but some days I just honestly want people to extend the same love to me that I do to them. That's not to say people don't love me, but I think everyone wants to experience simple gestures that make people feel extremely loved. Whether it's just a text that says "I'm thinking of you," or a drop by the house, people deserve to feel loved — and not just in an intimate way.
I think simple gestures have always been really important to me because I didn't experience that much in my life. I pride myself on giving people the love that I feel like I never had, because it makes me feel good to make others feel good. Some of my friends have picked up on that, so when they do small things, it means much more to me than a huge gift.
If you're not sure what types of gestures you can give to your friends to make them feel loved, these 11 may help you get the ball rolling.
1Write Them A Card Or A Note
One thing that makes me feel super special and loved is when people write me little notes and leave them for me to find — especially when I'm having a bad day. Not only does it show that you can tell someone's going through something, but it shows that you care about making someone happy.
2Pick Up Their Favorite Food Or Snack
Almost always, grabbing my favorite food or snack and bringing it to me will always make me feel loved. There's no denying that food is a way to comfort people, so the next time your friend expresses that they feel a little down, bring them something that you know will cheer them up: food.
3Tell Them How Important They Are To You
Hearing that you mean something to someone is a way to definitely feel extremely loved. As adults, it's easy to feel like you're in this world alone. So, having someone remind you that you're important to them and their lives is a way to make you feel loved.
4Surprise Them With Something They've Talked About
According to Bustle, popping up with random surprises is a gesture that makes people feel loved. You can really brighten up their day if you get them a gift that they've mentioned or even something as small as a new pack of socks. You can even do something with them that they've always wanted to do.
5Listen To Their Day
Sometimes, all people need is to know that someone cares. Listening to someone's day and giving them feedback can do that for them.
6Say "I Love You"
Huffington Post noted that telling others that you love them is a tiny gesture that makes them feel loved. In a world where "I love you" is so freely thrown around without meaning, genuinely telling someone that reminds them that they don't have to look far and wide to find it.
7Include Them In Things That Are Important To You
If you love photography, asking someone what they think of your recent set of photos is a gesture that makes them feel loved. Not only does it show that you value their opinion, it shows them that you don't mind including them into the things that are important to you.
8Make A Playlist
According to Women's Health, making someone a playlist can make someone feel loved, as it literally soothes the soul. Create a playlist with all of the songs they love and even throw some in there that are special to you, too.
9Cook For Them
According to Huffington Post, cooking for someone shows love. From personal experience, having someone cook my favorite meal has been a key to my heart. Even when my friends invite me over for dinner, I feel loved, included, and thought of. Also, hearing those words "have you eaten?" are literally from God.
10Spend Time With Them
Something as small as watching a person's favorite show with them could be a gesture that makes them feel loved. Sometimes, we have to be reminded that everything isn't always about us. So, doing something that your friend, family member or significant other likes just to spend time with them, is a way that makes them feel more loved than you know.
11Call To Check On Them
Since most people communicate through text messaging and social media nowadays, picking up the phone just to tell someone that you've been thinking of them is a way to make them feel special. The conversation doesn't have to be a long or thought provoking one, but it will definitely mean something to them when you let them know that you're thinking of them.