
Anything Can Happen On Season 2 Of 'Big Little Lies'
When fans last saw the dynamic women of HBO’s Big Little Lies, they were banding together to cover up the circumstances that led to Perry’s death. The series is set to return on Jun. 9, and fans can’t wait to see how these Monterey socialites deal with the aftermath. There’s plenty of speculation about what will happen, but here are some of the best fan theories about Big Little Lies Season 2.
If fans remember, in Season 1, after realizing that Perry (Alexander Skarsgård) had been physically abusing Celeste (Nicole Kidman) and that he was the same man that raped Jane (Shailene Woodley), the group — including Madeline (Reese Witherspoon) and Renata (Laura Dern) — fights him off as he assaults Celeste. When Bonnie (Zoë Kravitz) sees what is happening, she runs in and pushes Perry, sending him down a flight of stairs to his death.
Upon police questioning, the women maintain that Perry tripped and fell down the stairs on his own. The cops seem suspicious of their account, but they don’t pursue the case any further. In a trailer for the Season 3, you can see that Perry’s mom has come to visit, and she’s questioning how he actually died.
You can bet that the new season is going to be full of thrilling twists and turns, but here are some fan theories you can mull over in the meantime.
1Perry’s Case Will Be Reopened
After watching the trailer, some fans think Perry’s case will be the bulk of Season 2. However, Reddit user, Voldemorts_Nipple, isn’t keen on seeing the ladies get caught. “I guess the idea that this murder investigation is the main plot of Season 2 (from what I saw on the trailer) is going to bother me,” wrote the Redditor. “Because I don’t feel like Bonnie or any of the women should be in legal trouble for acting in self defense the way they did.”
2Bonnie’s Past Will Be Revealed
While the first season did dive into some of the ladies’ pasts, it didn’t address Bonnie’s background or family life. Many fans think that because Bonnie is the one dealing with the fact that she pushed Perry to his death, the show will dive deeper into her past. “I'm guessing they will give Bonnie more demons and dimension next season, given you-know-what,” theorized Redditor yippeebowow. “Because she's haunted due to instinctively and impulsively, well, being a hero lol.”
3Madeline and Joseph’s Affair Will Be Highlighted
Some fans think that Joseph was being shady in Season 1 when he tried to break up Madeline and Ed’s marriage, and some believe his backstory will be featured this season. “He's a piece of sh** and needs to move on,” wrote Reddit user AHoneyBakedHam. “But they will def go into their affair in season 2, Ed was very suspicious of something happening between them.”
4Celeste Will Struggle With PTSD
After years in an abusive marriage, having her husband die amidst a violent altercation, and now having his mother visit, fans expect Celeste will be dealing with major PTSD in Season 2.
“I’m concerned that after giving her such a strong storyline in season one, they’ll kind of put her on the backburner for season two,” wrote Redditor filmlover23. “But there is just so much potential with her rapist/abuser’s mother staying with her, clearly believing her child is a saint. I just hope they take it to a good place in terms of material.”
5Jane and Celeste Will Talk About Perry
Now that Jane and Celeste know their children are half-siblings, fans think they will talk about it in Season 2. “Looking forward to seeing how Jane is dealing with the fact that her son will actually never meet his father and how Celeste's and Jane's friendship is affected by Perry being Jane's rapist,” wrote Reddit user roses262.
“I think they'll still be close friends but I wonder will Celeste feel like she should help Jane and Ziggy financially? Would Jane accept her help? Will they tell their sons that they're half brothers? It would be beyond strange to find out your husband raped your new friend years previously and fathered her child, so I hope they explore that storyline in season 2.”
6Madeline Will Take A Back Seat To Work On Her Marriage
After her affair with Joseph, some fans believe that Madeline will take some time of from her active social life to work on her marriage. “I am wondering how Madeline's story line is going to play out since it seems her husband definitely knows something is up,” wrote Redditor NoRandomUsername. “She is always the spear head for everything in their group and I think that she may have to take the backseat to work on her relationship which could potentially put strains on her friendships when Celeste and Jane will need her most.”
7Renata Will Become A Part Of The Group
Renata was on the outside of this group in Season 1, but after she covered for Celeste and Bonnie in the finale, fans think their secret will create a strong bond of friendship between them. “I think Renata and Bonnie are awesome characters,” wrote Reddit user Roses262. “And it'd be nice to see their friendships with Madeline, Celeste, and Jane grow.”
8Celeste Will Tell Her Sons About Their Brother
Now that Celeste knows that Jane’s son was fathered by Perry, it will be interesting to see if she tells the kids that they are related. Redditor NoUsername wrote, “I hope Celeste finds peace with her new freedom and they tell the boys they are half brothers.”
9The Group Will Protect Jane, Ziggy & Celeste
Ziggy has been asking Jane about his dad for a while, but now that she knows it was Perry, and that he’s dead, she may not want to tell him the truth. The group may also help out in keeping this a secret, to protect Jane, Ziggy, and Celeste from further pain.
“These women are ALL about appearances, so did Celeste want to make sure it never came out that Perry was abusing her all these years,” asked Redditor omg_sheeeeep. “Are they protecting Jane, by making sure nobody ever finds out she was raped AND Ziggy is a result of that rape?”
10Celeste Will Be The Group’s Attorney
Celeste hasn’t been practicing law, but if the cops pursue Perry’s case, she could end up representing herself and her friends. “I am guessing Celeste won't have to work bc life insurance payout but I am hoping to see more of her lawyer side,” wrote Redditor NoUsername. Maybe she will be everyone's defense attorney since that cop obviously has it out for them.”
11Perry’s Mom Will Work With The Cops
Meryl Streep is joining the cast in Season 2 as Perry’s mother. Some fans think she’ll be working with the police to figure out how her son really died. In terms of Season 2, they’ll definitely focus on the investigation,” wrote Reddit user takemewithyer. “It looks like, between Meryl Streep’s character and this detective, efforts will be made to crack this lie right open. Tune in to see who cracks first.”
Because Season 1 was an adaptation of Liane Moriarty’s novel, it was easier to predict what would happen. But Season 2 is going into uncharted territory, so fans will just have to wait and watch to see how the drama unfolds.
Season 2 of Big Little Lies premieres on Sunday, Jun. 9 on HBO.