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11 Valentine's Day Memes For The V-Day Haters

by Leah Carton

You may not love swapping Valentine's Day cards, but there's not a person in the world who doesn't enjoy sending out a holiday meme. And if you're someone who dreads Feb. 14 and all its red and pink hues, then you'll be sure to take pleasure in the many Valentine's Day memes for people who hate the holiday more than anything.

There's something about coming together over the internet and basking in the singles glory. Hey, there may even be people in relationships who don't get all warm and fuzzy over Feb. 14. After all, who needs a single holiday to express the love you should be expressing any way the other 364 days of the year?

Luckily, you can bond with fellow V-Day haters over the memes that beautifully express the hatred toward the holiday of love. Sending these laughable memes to friends and family is a way to spread Valentine's Day cheer without putting a dent in your wallet.

Whether you have plans with friends, a significant other, or yourself, the memes for Valentine's Day haters will be sure to bring everyone together and crack them up. So get your laptop or phone, chocolates, and rom-coms ready. From Kanye to Dwight Schrute, here are 11 Valentine's Day memes that are sure to keep you scrolling this holiday.

1For Those That Love All Of The Memes

A pun and memes within a meme? I'll share 20 of them, give me all that you've got.

2For Those Milking Their Relationship Status

Ah, what's that? Oh, the laughter over a great pun. You're welcome.

3For 'The Office' Lovers

It's true that everyone loves a good Dwight Schrute meme. This one won't leave you saying "false."

4For The Web Browsers

Share this with anyone who can relate. If your internet browser loads, that is.

5For The Fashionistas

Spend your dollars on yourself this Valentine's Day. Valentino over valentines any day.

6For Those Who Are Just As Mad As Grumpy Cat

Maybe keep this one to yourself this Valentine's Day, and don't share it with the best friend who complains about being "forever alone."

7For Those Who Are Single And Ready To Mingle

Sweating out not having a date this Valentine's Day? Share this meme on your timeline so your potential S.O. gets the hint.

8For Those That Want To Keep Things To A Science

No one will be feeling the romance tonight with this meme that knocks the love out of the air.

9For Those That Love A Viral Trend

Share the cash me outside meme on social media from inside the comfort of your home.

10For A Party Of One

This one's for those that understand their relationship status reality and are willing, maybe even excited, to accept it.

11For Those That Love Kanye Like Kanye Loves Kanye

Kanye exemplifies true love with the love that he has, well, for himself.