
11 Working Mom Mistakes You Can Forgive Yourself For Today
If you're a working mom, you're probably no stranger to the feeling of guilt. Since family and work are both priorities in your life, you worry about giving your best to both of those worlds — and although you are killing it, you can't help but wonder if you are making any working mom mistakes. Even though it may not feel like it in the moment, everything's going to work out. The kids are going to be OK and your hard work in the office is going to pay off.
Chances are, you are probably putting more pressure on yourself than you should. It's an easy trap to fall into with society pumping out unrealistic expectation for moms. There is a constant pressure to do more, be more, and give more to all areas of your life — which is near impossible to accomplish.
The truth is, you are going to make mistakes, because all humans do. Whether you work more or less than other moms, there is always going to be something that just doesn't go as planned. And that's OK. Just promise me, if you tend to make any of these 11 working mom mistakes, you will forgive yourself today and not look back.
1Thinking You Can Do It All
When we try to take on too much, some area of our life will suffer. As Working Mother magazine pointed out, having kids may mean you can't do all the things you used to. Time to start compromising and sacrificing on some of your time commitments.
2Missing A School Event
There are only so many hours and days you can take off work to attend school events. That's just one of the logistical aspects of being a working mom. But if you prioritize and plan to attend the most important school events, you shouldn't beat yourself up for missing some of the smaller ones.
3Staying Late At Work
It's one of those complicated parts of having kids — working late can make you feel stressed and guilty. But the truth is, children are more effected by a stressed parent than one they see less due to a few late nights at the office, according to The Guardian. So on those days when it's going to be a while before you make it home, take a deep breath and make the most of whatever time you get with the littles.
4Having Too Many Kid Photos
According to Forbes, displaying multiple family at work gives the impression they you'd rather be with their family than at work. This sounds like a rule worth breaking to me. As long as you have a tasteful collection of frames and photos on your desk, and it's not interfering with your work, than carry on with photo love.
5Not Volunteering
Being passionate about social issues or local charities is a wonderful thing, but there may be a season of a working mom's life when she doesn't have the time to volunteer for those organizations. Giving back happens in multiple ways, and for a time, that may mean that raising good citizens is your philanthropy.
6Yawning Mid Convo
Running a household and being a lady boss is enough to wear a sister out! Don't feel bad about being tired and yawning by noon. You work hard and it's only natural that you feel sleepy. Just remember to give your body what it needs and log enough sleep so you can do it all over again the next day.
7Forgetting About Dinner
Rushing between meetings, day care, and soccer practice makes for a hectic evening. So some nights you might forget that everyone needed to eat? No biggy — that's why there is pizza delivery.
8Feeling Conflicted About Taking Me Time
With all the demands of work and family life, sometime nurturing yourself can fall off the radar. But as Parents magazine reported, working moms should make time for themselves each week. Whether it's a warm bubbly bath, or dinner out with friends, it's important to make sure "me time" is on the calendar.
9Feeling Guilty
According to a poll on, 57 percent of women feel guilty every day about some aspect of their life, but working moms seem to have it the worst. It's damn near impossible to not feel guilty, so make sure to forgive yourself when you do. (Not that you should feel guulty because, you're doing a damn good job!)
10Running Late
Getting everyone out the door each day feels like an Olympic event Don't sweat it on those days when you just don't make it out on time. It happens to everyone and it's best to let it go.
11Neglecting Your Partner
If both you and your partner work, sometimes romance can take a backseat. So there has to be some grace for those stretches when adult time just doesn't make it to the top of the priority list. And when time does open up, you and your SO can schedule some much-needed quality time.