
13 4th Of July Memes To Put You In The Patriotic Spirit
Doesn't it feel like summer just got here? It's hard to believe that it's already July, but these 4th of July memes prove it — it's time for fireworks, hot dogs, and lots of red, white, and blue.
I'm a lover of all holidays, but there is something about the 4th of July that really gets my celebration-loving self going. I cry every time I hear "I'm Proud to Be an American," I am obsessed with every fireworks show I see, and I will deck myself completely out in red, white, and blue for the cause. Patriotism is at the root of it, sure, (even though I'm half-English) but for me, the 4th of July is the most nostalgic holiday, second only to Christmas.
I mean, doesn't every single moment of the 4th of July feel like a Norman Rockwell painting? Little kids are barefoot, sticky with watermelon juice. Adults are drinking favorite beers, manning the grills, and passing out sparklers. There are flags everywhere and the streets are lined with people ready for a parade. It is Americana at it's finest, and it's one of my favorite days of the year.
So prepare yourself for a weekend of freedom, watermelon, and sparklers with these 13 4th of July memes. (Because there's nothing more American than quoting Legally Blonde 2.)
1Shaky Hands Included
Don't forget to share them from your Timehop next year!
2Let Freedom Ring
Americans are just so loud.
3The Queen Is Not Pleased
And the rocket's red glare, my queen!
4Paulette For President
Reeeeeal bad.
5Dogs On 4th Of July Be Like
Let the panic ensue.
6Please Wear Proper Attire
Don't forget to break out your ancient Old Navy American flag shirt. It doesn't matter if it says 2001, OK?
7The World Is Ending, Says Dog
No, seriously. Does any dog enjoy fireworks?
8The British Were Coming
My English mother hangs a Union Jack flag outside of the house every 4th of July. I feel like maybe she's bitter.
9Just For One Day
I don't know though, the latest SCOTUS rulings make it pretty easy to root for the U.S.A. again.
10Joe Dirt Knows What's Up
Is it really even the 4th of July if someone doesn't quote this when buying fireworks? No. It's not.
11Put Down Your Phone
Try to live in the moment, y'all. Besides, how can you hold a hot dog and watch the fireworks if you're on your phone?
12The Real Celebration
But can he save us from Donald Trump?
13It's The American Way
I mean, what else do eagles think about?