
17 Hilarious Elf On The Shelf Memes To Get You Through The Final Stretch
Better to laugh than cry.
Every year, it seems like more and more families are "adopting" their very own Elf on the Shelf. Kids tend to get pretty excited whenever their family's elf comes back to town after spending much of the rest of the year at the North Pole, but when it comes to parents, it appears most either love it or hate it. Regardless of if you happily trot that elf out every year and plan all kinds of hijinks for it or think it's terrifying and won't let one in your home, you can appreciate these funny Elf on the Shelf memes.
The best part of Elf on the Shelf season is the hilarious antics. As these Elf on the Shelf memes show, parents get super creative every day with the way their family's elves greet their kids in the morning or when they arrive home from school. While those staged scenes aren't exactly effortless (and by that I mean that they can be a real pain), they can provide endless entertainment for kids and even get a few laughs from adults. Funny memes, tweets, and photos of (or about) what parents have coaxed their family's elves into doing leaves everyone laughing and nodding, because clever Elf on the Shelf ideas are the gifts that keep on giving all season long. It's a tiring trek through the holiday season each year, which means you can and should embrace the clever, funny antics that come with making your family's elf's visit magical for your kids. You may not anxiously anticipate your kid's elf's arrival each year, but you can at least have a little fun while it's here with these Elf on the Shelf memes.
3I Wish This Started On Like Dec. 21
Seriously, I can barely figure out what to make for dinner. How can I be expected to come up with 24 different Elf on the Shelf ideas every year (ideally, without repeating from the previous years)? It’s all so much.
4Channeling Miley
Miley Cyrus' infamous "Wrecking Ball" music video featured her swinging around on a wrecking ball (in case you haven't seen it). Your kid's elf transforms itself into a Miley wannabe when it cleverly hitches a ride on the chandelier. Kids won't appreciate it (unless maybe they're a little bit older), but the adults will surely chuckle.
6I Meant The Makeup, Not The Creepy Doll
Strongly anti-Elf on the Shelf? Then this tweet is so relatable. This one is the only Elf on the Shelf I want to see this holiday season. ELF makeup? Yes. Elf doll that watches your family and reports back to Santa? Maybe not. You have to hand it to the many clever shoppers who keep pointing this out.
8Poor Elf
This right here is why you always make a plan. Both parents have to be on the same page beforehand. Don't leave either parent to fend for themselves with Elf on the Shelf ideas. At least your husband found another use for that industrial-sized bottle of ketchup he bought at Costco. You can't say he's not creative.
9It’s a Commitment
Children take Elf on the Shelf pretty seriously. When you purchase an elf, you’re making a month-longish commitment to moving the holiday doll around your home in different places, every day. Even though you’ve got a laundry list of things to do during the holidays, this daily task is probably one of the most important to your children, and they may not be very forgiving if you flake on them.
11Why Isn’t This Creepy?
It is rather peculiar that kids aren’t freaked out by the fact that this inanimate object is creeping around their house while they’re fast asleep. Whatever it takes to keep the Christmas magic alive, I guess?
12Breaking The Internet
This Elf on the Shelf took a few pointers from Kim Kardashian’s iconic 2014 Paper Magazine cover shoot where she pops a bottle of champagne that magically pours into a glass placed on her bum. With a few cookies and a glass of milk, your elf, too, can #breaktheinternet. Kudos to you if you can recreate this elf scenario without photoshop.
13Intruder Alert
Here’s how it goes: you’re either fighting over whose turn it is, or you’re fighting because your partner’s setup is all wrong and you have to go behind them to fix it. Then, once tempers have cooled, you snuggle up to watch a holiday movie together knowing you’ll have the same argument tomorrow.
14For The Big Kids
Are you feeling frustrated because your big kid is too old for Elf on the Shelf, so you’re not able to use it as leverage to get them to behave? Well, Chucky in a Chair totally has your back. Tell your kid that if they don’t behave, he will stand watch in their room overnight and watch them while they sleep.
15This Meme Isn’t Wrong
Are there worse things to happen to parents than the Elf on the Shelf? Of course there are, but in the month of December when things are super busy already, it’s truly one of the worst things about being a parent. Not to mention, that elf’s eyes are always on you while you’re at home and no one likes the feeling of being watched.
16Poor Mr. Potato Head
I’m torn with this meme. On one hand, I feel really bad for the beloved Mr. Potato Head toy. On the other, I can’t help but laugh and get a sudden craving for some waffle fries.
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