
13 Outdated 'Sex And The City' Outfits That Should Stay In Carrie's Closet Forever
For six years, faithful viewers tuned in every week to see the the women of Sex And The City make their way through Manhattan (and their 30s.) Aside from being a powerful foursome, these ladies had a knowledge, be it about relationships, sex, or how to best use a Rabbit. And, above all else, they could throw together a pretty stunning outfit. Of course, not every ensemble was a winner and there were plenty of outdated Sex And The City outfits that never should have made it out of Carrie’s shoe-filled closet.
If you would have told me in 2002 that Carrie Bradshaw's fearless looks would one day seem subpar and outdated, I would have laughed in your face and never spoken to you again. At the time, those giant flowers on every shirt, dress, and purse seemed so right. And now, well, they just feel silly. At least I can hold on to the fact, that for every one SATC fashion blunder, there were at least 10 amazing looks that are still draw-dropping today.
Just to prove I'm not I'm stretching the truth about these not-so-awesome ensembles, I've lined up some of the worst offenders. Take a look and these 13 outdated outfits from Sex And The City and see how many of these you would still wear today.
1Shoulder Pads
Do I spy shoulder pads on that red blazer? And has Miranda paired a hoodie with a silk skirt?
2Cowboy Hat & Bandeau
Oh! The straw hat and bandeau phase. Let's be glad that's over. (But kuddos to SJP for those abs.)
3Sequined Separates
If this were a full on jumpsuit, it might still work as trendy for today. But due to the fact that this is separates, with that little bit of mid drift peeking through, it feels totally dated.
4Over The Knee Socks
Over the knee socks were cute for a time. But now's not that time.
5Skinny Belt And Geometric Collar
Even the ever classic Charlotte has a few fashion fumbles in her wardrobe.
6Little Black Slip Dress
I'm loving that cardi, but the slip dress feels too out of place to be considered current.
7So Many Things
Hello color blocked, off-one-shoudler, poofy sleeves! I remember you.
8Bohemian In Heels
I probably wanted to pull of this look myself back in the day, but now I only save this attire for houseworks (sand heals, of course.)
9Princess Warrior
To wear a spiked jacket, you have to be Samantha. Or ballsier than Samantha — like Rihanna. Either way, it feels like a blast from the past.
10Really Ruched
For the love of ruching I'm glad the gathered look has run its course.
11Miranda's Day Off
Miranda was mostly in suits on screen, but times like these when she gets to kick it casual just weren't her best moments.
12Flower Power
The giant flowers! I admit to pinning those on my clothes for a few months when this was popular.