
13 Pretty, Small Tattoos For Women

by Meg Kehoe

So you're in the market for a little ink. Emphasis on little. Nowadays, tattoos are more widely accepted than they used to be, and you can often snag some permanent ink without having to worry about how it'll affect your professional life. But in case you're still feeling wary, or in case you're not ready to make an enormous commitment, there are plenty of pretty, small tattoos for women that can serve as inspiration. But let me warn you, as the proud owner of a small tattoo, once you get one — there's a good chance you'll want another.

If you've never gotten a tattoo before, there's a lot to think about. You'll want to ask yourself a few questions before getting a tattoo to make sure you're getting something you'll be happy with for the rest of your life — even if it is a tiny piece of ink. The appeal of these tattoos is that they're small, can be tucked almost anywhere, and aren't big enough to get too busy. From simple sayings to minimal designs and everywhere in between, tiny tattoos are the perfect way to make a permanent statement anywhere on your body.

Getting a tattoo is a big decision no matter the size, so take your time in picking out exactly what you want. Take a look at the beautiful, small tattoos below for inspiration before you make your next trip to the tattoo parlor.

1A Little French

Take your favorite phrase and translate it to your favorite language. Because sometimes things just look prettier in French, right?

2A Little Wave

Although the ocean itself may not be so delicate, this beautiful representation of it is.

3A Little Mantra

Take your favorite mantra and turn it into a beautiful handwriting tattoo.

4A Little Bird

These matching tattoos are something little and something fierce, aren't they? A little bird told me so.

5A Little Landscape

There's nothing small about the expanse of any mountain range, but translating it to the human body in this tiny, beautiful way is stunning.

6A Little Zodiac

This pared down version of the Cancer zodiac symbol is simple, and beautiful. And so is the light and airy feather counterpart.

7A Little Hand

What could be better than receiving a permanent pat on the back? This hand holding flowers is delicate and pretty enough to do the job forever.

8A Little Phrase

The only thing better than a nod to your favorite phrase, is one that looks so dang beautiful in delicate script.

9A Little Funny

Where do all the bobby pins of the world go? Now you'll never need to search for a bobby pin ever again.

10A Little Constellation

This constellation of the Aries zodiac sign is simple, straightforward, and beautiful.

11A Little Tribute

A tribute to your favorite childhood flicks, this pared down version of the Disney symbol is so pretty.

12A Little Pineapple

Whatever a pineapple means to you, you can't deny the appeal of this tiny tropical number.

13A Little Intergalactic

These tiny planetary tattoos are perfectly placed anywhere, but especially adorable in between your fingers, where you can show them off, or tuck them away.