
13 Struggles Every Mom Who Co-Bathes Knows All Too Well

by Priscilla Blossom

Parenthood comes with a number of new responsibilities to add to one's repertoire. Feeding, clothing, burping, changing diapers, playing, reading and, of course, there’s also bath time. Many of us start by putting our little ones in small, plastic bathtubs (my son had a cute whale tub) while others just fill up a sink and go to town. Others opt to co-bathe. Co-bathing is exactly what it sounds like: bringing your kid into the bathtub or shower with you so you can both get clean simultaneously. While this may sound simple enough, there are actually many struggles that moms who co-bathe encounter.

Of course, there are also plenty of perks when it comes to co-bathing (and co-showering, which is also exactly what it sounds like). For some, it’s about convenience. You can’t very well leave a baby (much less a toddler) unattended for the amount of time it takes to get yourself cleaned up in the shower. So, as a means to an end for most, bathing simultaneously means you can keep an eye on your kid while doing what needs to be done. Of course, co-bathing can also save you some very precious time. Instead of cleaning yourself, then cleaning your kid (or visa versa) you kill two birds with one proverbial stone. Win-win, my friends.

Of course, it's also worth mentioning that co-bathing and co-showering can be lots of fun and a memorable experience you’ll look back on fondly, especially once your baby or toddler becomes a sweaty, smelly teenager. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows, though, as you’ll surely realize once you’re done reading the following co-bathing struggles.

Being In The Shower Or Tub For So Long, You Start To Get Cold

Chances are you’ll have to add warm water to your bath frequently, but with two people in there (and one that probably has a fondness for splashing), your water will still get cold, and fast. It's a small nuisance, sure, but it's definitely a real one.

Having To Use A Different Water Temperature Than You Prefer...

My husband prefers his showers to be hot, but when showering with our kid that has to change. You want to make sure you use a temperature that is comfortable for your little one. Another small inconvenience, sure, but this one is definitely worth it.

...Or Use A Different Shower Head Setting Than You're Used To

With little ones, you’ll probably want to use a gentle setting. Keep the fun settings handy for when you finally get to shower alone.

Not Being Able To Shave

I mean, technically you could try to shave (that is, if you like shaving at all). However, and in my humble opinion, why risk your kid getting a hold of your (very dangerous) razor? This can be a pain in the butt if you tend to enjoy freshly shaved legs, so it's probably best to just shave the shaving for when you're alone.

Having Someone Frequently Crawl On You And/Or Get Up In Your Business

Sometimes, and especially when you’re feeling touched out, bath time can be one of the few places to retreat to and be alone. However, when you share your shower/bath time with a tiny human who has no concept of personal space, that’s gone, dear friend. So very gone.

Forgetting To Wash Some Vital Part Of Yourself

I have often exit the shower only to realize I never washed my hair or forgot to wash my under arms or, you know, worse. Totally inconvenient since odds are you might now have the ability to go back in the shower (and, instead, will have to wash said body parts in the sink). Not fun.

Having To Get Out Early Because Of A Toddler Meltdown

It happens sometimes, especially if bath time is right before nap or bedtime, or before dinner time. You want to try and time co-baths when your little one is happy. Still, if they end up getting soap in their eyes, fuggedaboutit.

Needing To Make Sure Important Objects Are Out Of Baby’s Reach

Razors. Expensive shampoo. Bath bombs. Soap that your toddler might want to take a bite out of because it smells like cookies. I mean, baby proofing your shower is no joke, and is as important as baby proofing any other room (especially because you might close your eyes for a bit and find them sucking on your conditioner).

Accidentally Getting Your Own Soap In Your Kid’s Eyes

This happened to me just a few days ago. My toddler was playing with one of his monster trucks while I soaped up my body and he accidentally got his face too close to my thigh, which had a nice layer of Shea butter lather on it. The result? A very unhappy, shrieking toddler.

Forgetting To Bring (Enough) Towels Into The Bathroom

I am adamant about bringing all the towels into the bathroom prior to getting into the tub, but we all make mistakes. While it’s not the end of the world if you have to use a wet towel on yourself or your toddler, or run out of the bathroom wet and naked, it’s so annoying to have to dry the floor when all is said and done.

Keeping Your Kid From Drinking The Water

While older toddlers often know better, young ones (and especially infants) have no idea that there’s more than one type of water. “Bath water is not for drinking,” will become your mantra. They’ll figure it out. Eventually.

Too Much Water Splashing Every Damn Where

I’d bet that at least 75% of kids enjoy splashing in the tub, to some extent. Even if they don’t do it out of fun, kids still end up making a mess. Of course, they’re not the ones that have to clean up later, so they're making out like bandits.

Of Course, “Accidents”

I’m pretty sure my toddler has peed in the shower at some point and I didn’t even notice. Likewise, I will probably scream the loudest of screams if I ever find a “floater” in our bath. I hear it happens, though, so be prepared.