
people at a women's march holding signs
Bill Tompkins/Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images

14 Women's March Sign Ideas To Shout Your Message From The Streets

by Kinsey Gidick
Originally Published: 

On Saturday, January 18, for the fourth year in a row, women and their allies will gather in cities across the country to argue for “transformative social change” at the 2020 Women’s March. Whether you’ve already got your marching posse together or are still determining where to peacefully protest, it’s time to start prepping your posters. Need some inspiration? Here are 14 Women’s March sign ideas to get your started.

A few tips, though, before you pull out the construction paper. Remember, clarity is key. Make sure your message is straightforward. Puns are great, but they won't stick the landing if they don't make sense. Second, as Shakespeare famously wrote, brevity is the soul of wit. Keep it short and sweet and your clever poster will send the right message.

Finally, borrow a page from your favorite crafter and make your Women's March poster bright, big, and easy to read. DIY is best done with the right materials so spring for the fancy poster board, giant markers, and, hell, why not throw on a little glitter? Just because you're demonstrating doesn't mean you can't have a little fun. (Pro tip: you can find event locations at

1Respect My Existence Or Expect My Resistance


A Women's March fave, this poster says it all. Women aren't going silently into the night.

2Men Of Quality Fight For Equality

Ira L. Black - Corbis/Corbis News/Getty Images

The message of the Women's March, to encourage equality across genders, will only work if male allies get on board. This poster puts that thought front and center.

3If You're Scared Of Me, You Are The Problem

Ira L. Black - Corbis/Corbis News/Getty Images

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, U.S. Representative for New York's 14th congressional district, has been a vocal supporter of the Women's March and has become a real deal poster girl in the process. Don't worry if you can't pull off an illustration like this one.

4My Daddy Is A Feminist

Barcroft Media/Barcroft Media/Getty Images

Some of the strongest and most viral images to come out of the Women's Marches have been shots of children side-by-side their parents. This little girl's shoutout to her dad is a perfect example.

5A Women's Place Is In The Resistance

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Just like Princess Leia was a feminist icon for early Star Wars fans, she continues to be a symbol of women power. Use the force by stealing this poster look.

6We Are The Daughters of The Witches You Couldn't Kill

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For those unfamiliar with the Salem Witch Trials, this sign references accusations against a group of young women in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692 for witchcraft. Today the historic hysteria is attributed to social misogyny. Sound familiar?

7Give 'Em The Finger

Ira L. Black - Corbis/Corbis News/Getty Images

Reproductive justice remains at the heart of the Women's March movement and this straightforward illustration of a woman's reproductive system giving the finger doesn't need words to get the point across.

8Dream Act Now!

Chris J Ratcliffe/Getty Images News/Getty Images

In 2017, street artist Shepard Fairey released his "We the People" series to protest the election of President Donald Trump. The portraits of portraits of Latinas, Native Americans, African Americans, and Muslims have become popular images at women's Marches for the past three years.

9Build A Wall And My Generation Will Knock It Down

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The role of children in the Women's March cannot be overlooked and their involvement has provided provocative statements and images. The kids are alright.

10Insist Resist Persist

ANDREW HOLBROOKE/Getty Images News/Getty Images

This rhyming poster is a call to keep going. The message is clear but powerful.

11Only Love Can Drive Out Hate

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While it's called the Women's March, fighting for LGBTQIA Rights is fundamental to the movement, and part of the organizations mission is to " uplift, expand and protect the rights of our gay, lesbian, bi, queer, trans or gender non-conforming brothers, sisters and siblings."

12Hear Me Roar

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Helen Reddy's "I Am Woman" became a feminist anthem in 1972 by celebrating female empowerment. It continues to be a women's liberation theme four decades later.

13This Is My Bitchy Activist Face

Ethan Miller/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Clad in a "pussy" hat, this activist didn't mince words with her sign. You don't have to either.

14Nasty Woman Getting Nastier Every Day

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In 2016, then presidential candidate Donald Trump called opponent Hilary Clinton a nasty woman during their third debate. The phrase became a rallying cry and is still regularly used four years later.

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