
25 Mischievous Elf On The Shelf Ideas That Kids Will Flip For
Because who wants a goody-two-shoes for an elf?
With the holidays fast approaching, parents everywhere have one thing in common, and that's a need for more Elf on the Shelf posing ideas. If you're kind of tapped out, these ideas for mischievous Elf on the Shelf ideas are sure to leave your kids in stitches. After all, no one said the elf has to play nice 100% of the time.
Fortunately, all of these jokey ideas for Elf on the Shelf mischief are still appropriate for kids, using toilet paper rolls, family photos, and basic kitchen equipment to great effect. Plus, they're all pretty easy to put cobble together and take down in a day. Your kids will be amused by the elf's latest adventures, but you won't be left with too big of a mess to clean up. Everyone wins.
With whatever craft supplies you have on hand, a little bit of time, and a sense of humor, you can essentially prank your kid every night with the help of the elf. But of course you're only doing the whole elf thing to make your kids happy, and well-behaved, so it's a little more wholesome than most pranks. It really is a family tradition your little ones will remember for years to come, so give these mischievous Elf on the Shelf ideas a whirl for the most memorable Christmas season yet.
1Wrap the toilet (don’t forget a big bow).
It’s funny, but definitely not ideal when your kid’s just woken up and needs to use the potty — desperately. And it’s actually easier to pull off than it looks. You’ll need 1-2 rolls of wrapping paper. Just drape the paper over the toilet and tape down some sections to give it shape. Do the same for the toilet tank, too.
2Stage a hostage situation.
If you have two elves in your home, set them up so it looks like the more mischievous of the two has taped the other one onto the turntable. Your kids will love it even more if the elf is actually spinning when the come downstairs. And if you don’t have a record player, there are other precarious places around the house you could do something similar.
3Create a climbing wall.
With a few bows, you can have your elf climb any surface to reach any prize. Maybe they’re after the cookie jar on the kitchen counter or trying to reach the place where you hide everyone’s Christmas presents. This one is easy to put together in a few minutes, and you probably have a bag of bows somewhere in the house already.
4“Melt” a fellow toy.
If your kids have an Olaf figurine somewhere in the house, pop him on a skillet in a puddle of water to make it look like your naughty elf is melting the poor snowman. You could also replicate this mischievous elf on the shelf idea in the microwave, using a hair dryer, or near an iron. The options are endless.
7Break into the hot chocolate supplies.
If you have hot cocoa supplies for the chilly days ahead, one of the sweetest ideas for elf on the shelf mischief would be to have your elf break into the goodies. They can perch on some peppermints and sip on cocoa, maple syrup, or some other sweet drink. It’ll definitely give your kids a giggle to catch them in the act.
9Make flour angels.
No matter the weather outside, your elf can make a contained mess indoors with flour pr powdered sugar snow angels on the dining table. Or, if your elf is particularly naughty, they'll make glitter angels.
11Make over a mirror.
The possibilities for mirror decorations are endless. Reindeer antlers, Santa beards, and silly messages are all a good start. And if you're concerned about stains, then some washable window markers may be the safest tool.
12Go on Instagram IRL.
Elves are savvy social media users. For instance, this one knows all about Instagram, but you could make similar cutouts for Twitter or Facebook-style posts as well, and the possibilities of debauchery that you can "capture" the elf in are endless. Just make sure you're keeping it PG for the kids. And if you need some help crafting the perfect cutout, there are lots of free, printable elf props online.
13Start a snowball fight.
OK, yes, we’re back to the craft pom poms, but if you’re going to be in that aisle for ball pit supplies anyway, grab a package of white fluffy balls while you’re there. Two birds, one stone (or two elf ideas, one errand). This elf has a cute snowball crate, but you don’t even need that! Just pile up the snowballs next to your elf, pop one in its hand, and stage another stuffed animal or two to look like they’ve been in a wintry battle overnight.
18Stage your elf’s arrival.
When your elf returns for duty this year, imagine what it would look like if his travel plans went a little awry. Maybe his toy car broke down, or his helicopter crashed into the Christmas tree. Whatever toys your child has that would help an elf get from the North Pole to your living room, use them in an inventive way.
19Practice elf care.
Aww, this is a cute idea. Your elf can take a bubble bath in marshmallows. To give it that mischievous twist, surround the elf with some of your most prized beauty products, from bath salts to makeup, and complain to the kids that the elf got into all your good stuff the next morning.
22Elf-ify a family photo.
Elves just want to fit in, too. Cut out a few elf hats from red construction paper and adhere them to a family photo, placing the elf nearby. Your kids will love seeing themselves (and you) dressed up like their Elf on the Shelf. As far as Elf on the Shelf mischief goes, this idea is pretty easy to pull off.
23Meme-ify the elf.
This looks like one thirsty elf. Your kids may not pick up on the meme, but parents sure will get a kick out of this interesting Elf on the Shelf getup that riffs off the Dos Equis beer advertorial. And look how fancy the elf is — it makes him look kind of hip. And mom — I mean, the elf — is obviously super hip.
So, what sort of silliness will your elf get up to this Christmas? Be sure snap lots of pics of this year’s Elf on the Shelf mischief for your kids to remember.
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