
15 Pro-Choice Celebrities Who Use Their Fame To Advocate For Women's Rights
It's no secret a woman's right to choose in America is under siege. From so-called heartbeat bills popping up in states around the country to the possibility of Roe vs. Wade being overturned, a lot is at stake at the moment. And as the fight continues to brew, activists protecting the legal right to abortion are receiving some extra support from Hollywood's biggest stars. Want a few examples? Look no further than these pro-choice celebrities who are using their platform fame to fight for a person's right to choose.
Whether it's threatening to take production out of states with strict anti-abortion laws, or bravely sharing personal stories about their own abortions, celebrities are stepping in to help in any way they can.
And it's not just the women. Actor Mark Ruffalo shared his own personal story in 2013, noting how his mother was forced to seek out an illegal abortion that could have ended her life if things went wrong, while singer Miley Cyrus teamed up with Planned Parenthood to spread the word.
The list of pro-choice celebs goes on and on, possibly giving hope to the average person who is protesting on the sidelines or volunteering with pro-choice groups around the nation. Sometimes it pays to be a high profile celebrity, especially when you use your platform for good.
On that note, here are 15 celebs who use their spotlight to further the pro-choice movement.
Busy Philipps
Actress turned activist Busy Philipps testified before congress during a special counsel session regarding abortion rights, according to CNN. While there, she bravely reminded congress that nearly one in four women have had an abortion in their lifetime, including herself. Philipps then prompted women to share their stories on social media using the hashtag #YouKnowMe.
John Legend
Following the abortion bans, John Legend encouraged Hollywood to boycott states that pass these restrictions. “I don’t know that it will definitely work, but I know that money talks," he said, according to BET. He just might be right.
Kristen Bell
"I stand with Planned Parenthood because I want my girls to have access to birth control behind my back one day," Bell said in an August 2015 video shared to Twitter. She continued, "I #StandwithPP b/c sexuality is NATURAL and INEVITABLE. lets make it SAFE and HEALTHY."
This funny lady might have put a little humor into her post, but the entirety of her message is important.
Mark Ruffalo
Mark Ruffalo penned a powerful pro-choice letter that he intended to be read at rallies around the country. In it, he told the story of his own mother who had to seek out an illegal abortion when she was a teen, according to The Guardian. "I don't want to turn back the hands of time to when women shuttled across state lines in the thick of night to resolve an unwanted pregnancy, in a cheap hotel room," he said.
Props to Ruffalo for sharing a powerful and personal story.
Miley Cyrus
Never being one to shy away from her feelings, Miley Cyrus posted a now viral Instagram photo of herself licking an "abortion is healthcare" cake, according to Elle. But she didn't stop there. The actress turned musician teamed up with Marc Jacobs to design a pink hoodie emblazoned with a "Don't F**k With My Freedom," message. All proceeds went to Planned Parenthood.
Chris Evans
When Alabama passed its ban on abortion, Chris Evans took to social media to share his views on the topic. "This is absolutely unbelievable,” he wrote on Twitter. “If you’re not worried about Roe v. Wade, you’re not paying attention. This is why voting matters!!"
Later that day, #CaptainAmericaForPresident was trending and some fans weren't surprised because he has always been outspoken about the fight for women's rights.
This outspoken singer, songwriter, and all around feminist teamed up with the American Civil Liberties Union to create a video to publicly announce that abortion is legal and a right, according to HuffPost. Within just one hour, the May video was shared over 600,000 times.
Kristen Wiig
Kristen Wiig vowed to pull her movie out of Georgia after the state's governor signed the so-called heartbeat bill, legislation that makes abortion illegal after the sixth week of pregnancy, according to HuffPost. And that's a big deal, considering that Georgia gives movie crews a 30 percent tax credit towards their productions.
Rose McGowan
Rose McGowan posted a brave message for her fans on Twitter regarding abortion rights, sharing her own personal story to get the message across. "I have had an abortion and I support this message," she said. "I am not ashamed, nor should you be. That 60% of those who choose to have abortions are already mothers says a lot- they understand more than anyone. I was on birth control and it failed."
She encouraged people to share their stories using the hashtag #HonestAbortion, according to People.
Amber Tamblyn
Actor Amber Tamblyn got very honest about her abortion in message advocating for women's rights. "In 2012, I had an abortion. It was one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever had to make. ... It was the right choice for me, at that time in my life. I have not a single doubt about this. #YouKnowMe," the actress said according to The Associated Press.
She was quick to pick up the #YouKnowMe hashtag that her fellow actor, Busy Philipps, promoted as a way to destigmatize abortion.
Billie Eilish
Never one to shy away from the truth, Billie Eilish had this to say in response to recent abortion bans in states across the nation, “It’s so unbelievable. It makes me, like, red. It makes my ears f***ing steam out of my head. Women should say, should do and feel and be exactly what they want," the singer told Variety. "There should be nobody else telling them how to live their life, how to do s–t. … It just makes me so mad that if I start talking about it, I won’t stop. Men should not make women’s choices — that’s all I have to say.”
She's also a part of Planned Parenthood's major #BandTogetherBansOff campaign which features 140 other musicians who are combining their star power to fight abortion bans.
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence said if it weren't for Planned Parenthood, she would not have been able to access birth control or other health services as a teenager, according to People. She's an outspoken supporter of the organization, "What harm comes from supplying people with birth control, condoms, Pap smears, and cancer screenings?"
Chelsea Handler
In a personal essay for Playboy, Chelsea Handler said she had two abortions at the age of 16 and if it wasn't for her parents support and the existence of Planned Parenthood, her life may have taken a decidedly different turn. "We all make mistakes all the time. I happened to f**k up twice at the age of 16. I’m grateful that I came to my senses and was able to get an abortion legally without risking my health or bankrupting myself or my family.”
Michael B. Jordan
In a recent episode of his podcast, Wine and Weed, Michael B. Jordan posed some hard hitting questions for states that passed laws that have effectively banned abortion. "How could Georgia could be so “pro life” if it doesn’t care about a baby post-birth?" he said, according to BET.
He's just one of the many male celebrities using the hashtag, #MenForChoice.
Padma Lakshmi
The Top Chef alum recently called on men to share their abortion stories too. "If you identify as male and someone you love has had an abortion or you just support a woman’s right to choose, NOW is the time to let it be known," she penned on Twitter. "Use #himtoo and share your story." Her idea came in hopes that the more people talk about abortion the more people will realize just how essential the option is for some.