15 Sibling Memes To Share With Your Brothers & Sisters On National Siblings Day
I come from one of those families where, when asked how many siblings I have, I have to really think about it. It takes me a minute to add up the half-siblings, stepsiblings, the former stepsiblings... you get the picture. So when National Sibling Day rolls around (i.e. April 10), I definitely have my hands full. Thankfully, the internet is a glorious place that I can turn to in my time of need. Sibling memes? Yeah, the internet has that covered, no matter how many siblings you've got.
There's just something special about the bond between siblings. Even if you loathe your siblings and you made each other's lives living hells, you still share something that nobody else does — growing up under the same regime. Nobody else quite understands dealing with your parents or other family members the way your siblings do. In my experience, the older you get, the easier your relationship with your siblings gets. No more sharing a bathroom, no more splitting chores, no more comparing report cards. Adulthood takes some of the competition and rivalry away from siblings, making it easier to appreciate one another. So show that appreciation — any maybe express some of that lingering animosity — by sharing one of the many sibling memes with your brothers and sisters on National Sibling Day.
1Middle Child Syndrome
Being a middle child is no joke. All you can do is cross your fingers that the stork brings you another sibling to even out the ranks.
2Justice For Older Siblings
Isn't it funny how the youngest child seems to get away with everything? That's why it's so sweet when they actually do get into trouble.
3Big Sister Mode
No matter what your relationship, when your sister calls you crying, you roll up your sleeves to take care of whoever made her feel this way.
5Uncool, Sibling, Uncool
The residual anger when one of your siblings has done something wrong is so real.
6Suspicious Siblings
You're being nice to me? You must want something. Spit it out, sib.
7Too Many Sibs
Big families are great! Except when you're the youngest. In which case, I'm so sorry for all those years of torment you put up with.
8Acting Tough
There's always one sibling who seems to use their older siblings as a shield. And it never really works that well, does it?
9You Mad?
This is the pose my youngest brother pulls after making a joke at my expense. Yeah, don't think I didn't notice, bro.
10I Straighten My Tie
Let me straighten my tie before I get real with both you, and my brother.
11Living In The Shadow
Having an older sibling who's the golden child can be rough. Just embrace it. Learn to walk in the dark.
12Do Younger Siblings Ever Stop Being Annoying?
As someone who both has younger siblings, and is a younger sibling, I can confirm that younger siblings never stop being annoying.
14Your Smart Sibling
There's always one. The smarty pants. The braggart. Don't worry, they'll get their karma in time.
15Nailed It
You know you're crushing the sibling game when you remember everyone's birthday, without Facebook.