
17 Books That'll Make Kids Laugh
Kids love to be entertained. In fact, they thrive on it. Whether it's a silly game, a humorous TV show, or a corny knock-knock joke, kids need an outlet that allows them to laugh out loud. In this day and age, it's all too easy to throw on a funny movie for your kids instead of sitting down and reading them a hilarious book instead. But there are a host of books that will make kids laugh out there — literally thousands — and with all the benefits reading offers, it doesn't make sense to pass them up.
According to a Huffington Post article, reading to your kid is one of the top ways to bond with them. Additionally, a 2013 study suggests that children who are read to anywhere from three to five times a week are six months ahead of their peers when it comes to reading and comprehension. The other benefits of reading are astounding as well, and include communication skills, logic development, and larger vocabularies, according to Kid's Health.
You don't have to read your kid The Illiad or Shakespeare for them to reap the benefits. Start with something simple and funny, and watch as their love for reading (and laughing) grows right along with them.
1'Stuck' by Oliver Jeffers
Stuck is the story of a young boy who goes to extreme lengths to get his kite un-stuck from a tree. If both of his shoes won't do the trick, maybe an orangutan or his front door will. And that's only the beginning.
2'Parts' by Tedd Arnold
A hilarious story of a boy who wholeheartedly believes his body is coming unglued, Parts will have your kids laughing at the ridiculous (and totally normal) things he discovers.
3'Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type' by Doreen Cronin
While some kids may be intrigued solely by the typewriter, Click Clack Moo: Cows That Type has a genuinely funny story line about Farmer Brown's cows who have an obsession with typing him little notes left all over the farmyard.
4'Shark Vs. Train' by Chris Barton
For kids who enjoy a healthy and hilarious dose of competition, Shark vs. Train is a must-read. They'll stop at nothing until they determine who is the best at everything from burping to piano playing to pie eating.
5'The Alphabet From A To Y With Bonus Letter Z!' by Steve Martin
Any children's book by comedian and actor Steve Martin is bound to be amazing. Add in the beautiful illustrations of New Yorker cartoonist Roz Chast and you have an instant classic. The Alphabet From A To Y With Bonus Letter Z is great for teaching kids their ABC's with plenty of laughs thrown in along the way.
6'Goodnight Goon: A Petrifying Parody' by Michael Rex
Kids who loved Goodnight Moon as toddlers will be sure to appreciate the hilarious parody Goodnight Goon.
7'Dinosaur Vs. The Potty' by Bob Shea
Perfect for kids who prefer to go to the bathroom everywhere except the potty, Dinosaur Vs. The Potty will have your child laughing all the way to the bathroom.
8'Scaredy Squirrel At Night' by Melanie Watt
Part of a series of cowardly squirrel stories, Scaredy Squirrel At Night lets your kids follow along as Scaredy takes all necessary measures to ensure that his dreams don't come true— but the possibility of having sweet dreams never occurred to him.
9'The Monster At The End Of This Book' by Jon Stone
This classic from our own childhoods is worth carrying over for your own children. The Monster At The End Of This Book will have kids laughing as lovable, furry old Grover does everything in his power to make sure you never make it to the end of the book.
10'Falling For Rapunzel' by Leah Wilcox
The prince is in love with Rapunzel, but unfortunately, she's a bit hard of hearing from being so high up in her tower. She tosses everything except her hair down for him in Falling For Rapunzel, a story that kids of all ages will love.
11'Duck! Rabbit!' by Amy Krouse Rosenthal
An optical illusion that your kids will love, Duck! Rabbit! features two invisible narrators arguing over what looks strangely like both a duck and a rabbit. Which side will your kid take?
12'Bark, George' by Jules Fieffer
Bark, George is the story of a little dog whose responds with everything except bark. Your kids will be rolling with laughter at this sweet story of a confused puppy.
13'Timothy Tunny Swallowed A Bunny' by Bill Grossman
After poor Timothy swallows a bunny, his mother simply responds with "but honey, be thankful it's not a goat." Timothy Tunny Swallowed A Bunny is the perfect story for older kids with a great sense of humor.
14'The Day The Crayons Quit' by Drew Daywalt
After Duncan looks into his box of crayons, he discovers they've staged a coup and have all quit. Tan is tired of playing second fiddle to brown, and blue is exhausted from coloring so much water. Orange and yellow absolutely refuse to talk to each other. What's a young artist to do? The Day The Crayons Quit is as funny as it is clever.
15'If You Give A Pig A Pancake' by Laura Numeroff
The original, child-friendly story (as opposed to the adult version If You Give A Kid A Cookie, Will He Shut The F*** Up?) If You Give A Pig A Pancake is the never ending string of events following one pig who just wants a pancake.
16'The Book With No Pictures' by B.J. Novak
In the words of B.J. Novak, you may think a book without pictures is "boring and serious." Except that whoever is reading the book has to say whats written. No matter what. The hilarious string of words and songs that follows in The Book With No Pictures will have your child asking to read it over and over again.
17'I'm Bored' By Michael Ian Black
It's the age old problem most children face, only Michael Ian Black makes it fun. I'm Bored is the story of a little girl who stumbles on a potato who declares that children are boring. She sets off on a ridiculous quest to prove him wrong and discovers that maybe she wasn't so bored after all.