31 Funny Halloween Memes For Every Day Of October
You’re welcome.
Some might argue that Halloween is the best holiday in the history of ever. It's full of spooky decorations, haunted houses, and the classic film, Hocus Pocus. Needless to say, everyone loves a good Halloween meme to circulate this time of year. These funny, spooky, and flirty Halloween memes will surprise and delight your senses this October 31.
From scary reminders of horror movies past, to laughs about "sexy" costumes and overdoing it on candy, there's a Halloween meme for everyone. The great thing about memes is that they're so democratic. Literally anyone with a good idea and access to the internet can make one. (Of course, that's also its biggest drawback. People don't realize that some of the memes are made of real people with real feelings, and they can be hurtful.) But Halloween memes that stick to pop culture references and universally freaky and/or hilarious seasonal experiences like spells, costume challenges, and eating too much of your kid’s trick-or-treat candy, are all in good fun, because everybody's in on the joke.
These Halloween memes take the best parts about the holiday and the spooky season and put them in a silly, shareable form. Send them to your friends, family, and partner all season long.
1BRB, stealing this idea
Scare your child on Halloween with a clone by dressing up in their clothes. Get ready for never-ending eye rolls but also nonstop giggles.
3Both are Incredible, TBH
You’re either one or the other. But actually, what if you dressed up as Scarlett Beauregarde and your child went as Violet? The blow-up suit looks fun — plus, Violet was candy-obsessed so it definitely works for Halloween.
4When Halloween costume meets reality
This “overworked mom” costume is just your life, right? A coffee that wasn’t mean to be cold and chaos doesn’t need to be part of your Halloween costume, but this would be spot on if it was real.
5It’s Never Too Early
@Halloween_75 on Twitter
Popular retailers like Target and Home Depot certainly don’t wait until temperatures start dropping to start celebrating Halloween. And in all honesty, you’ve been prepping for this season all year.
6More like the Night of Halloween
The only question is, do you buy an extra bag of candy while shopping for trick-or-treaters or just steal some out of your kid’s bag?
7He Comes In The Middle Of The Night
You say your name is "Jake?" That's totally a 1980s horror story villain name. You're either a jock who murders kids in tents, or you're coming back to slaughter your whole family, and oops, a whole bunch of people were in front of your machete. I see you, Jake from State Farm. (I hope those dudes have life insurance.)
8I'm Like, A Makeup Expert Now
Have you seen the makeup jobs roaming the streets on Halloween? It’s a valid argument. This is why masks were invented.
10Your Addiction, but Make it a Costume
If you want everyone to be obsessed — addicted, even — just dress up as an iced coffee for trick-or-treating.
11It's Like They Don't Care At All
He has issues. He's working on them. So he's a little aggressive. So he's a tad obsessed with his sister. OK, maybe it's not great.
If you haven't seen Hocus Pocus at least 100 times, are you even a millennial?
15Guilty Pleasures
Consuming an obscene amount of candy bars in the dark is a form of self-care, right?
17Never Sleeping Again
I'm just going to go brew a pot (or 20) of coffee right about now.
20Who's the darkness? You are, cutie!
Here’s another really cute Halloween meme you can’t stop looking at.
24Getting in the Halloween spirit
You plan on visiting the pumpkin patch at least five times between now and Halloween.
31He's Eternal. Literally.
Gary Oldman wins the vampire game every time. Sure, R-Pat was sexy, but there's just something about Oldman's Count that’ll warm your cooling, dying, heart.
You may be feeling spooked that October 31 is approaching this quickly, but hopefully these Halloween memes felt like a treat, not a trick, and keep you cackling from now until November arrives.
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