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17 Hillary Clinton T-Shirts To Show You're With Her

by Leah Rocketto

Ever since she was officially declared the Democratic presidential nominee on July 26, the demand for Hillary Clinton t-shirts has been sky high — and it shows no signs of slowing down. And why shouldn't it? Throughout the 2016 election season, the Chicago native has proven to be a candidate like no other.

Not only has she made history by being the first female presidential nominee for any political party (no Sarah Palin, you don't count), but she made a huge impact on the country prior to her history-making nomination. According to, Clinton played a crucial role in developing the Children's Health Insurance Program in 1997 and, according to CNN, she was integral in capturing and killing Osama Bin Laden. Additionally, she has been a huge advocate for women's rights, LGBTQ rights, and military families. She had an impact on the country prior to entering the presidential race and, if by some cruel act of fate she doesn't wind up in the Oval Office, I don't doubt thats she will continue to improve the country.

So whether you're looking to by something in honor of HRC's birthday (which, by the way, is Oct. 26) or want to fill your closet with a weeks worth of Hillary swag if she's elected, here are your best options for Hillary Clinton t-shirts.

1Hillary Clinton Campaign Logo

You ca't go wrong with the classic Hillary Clinton logo t-shirt ($30), available on her official website.

2"Nasty Women Vote"

Trump called Clinton a "nasty woman" during the third debate, and her fans clapped back with a "Nasty Women Vote" t-shirt ($20).

3"Love Trumps Hate"

The "Love Trumps Hate" t-shirt ($30) shows your support for Clinton while taking a dig at the opponent.

4"Hillary Clinton Is A Bad*ss"

Available for men and women, the "Hillary Clinton Is A Bad*ss" shirt ($14) is the perfect way to share your thoughts.

5"Run HRC"

This "RUN HRC" t-shirt ($14) is the perfect throwback to everyone's favorite '90s hip hop group.


Do you think a Hillary presidency would be so supreme? Then this Supreme Hillary t-shirt ($14) is perfect for you.

7"Feminists For Hillary"

Do you support Hillary and gender equality? Then get a hold of a "Feminist For Hillary" t-shirt ($20).

8"Dont Boo. Vote"

A great quote from Obama's speech during the Democratic National Convention, the "Don't Boo." shirt ($13) is perfect to wear this Election Day and for future ones.

9"The Future Is Female"

Wouldn't it be great to see a woman in the Oval Office? This "The Future Is Female" shirt ($18) is perfect for people who don't want Hillary to be the last female presidential nominee.

10The Pantsuit Palette

A tribute to Clinton's wardrobe (and a subtle nod to the LGBTQ community), the pantsuit palette shirt ($30) will bring a lot of humor to your election viewing party.

11"Hillary Wins"

Though I'd be scared of jinxing things, the truly optimistic supporters can rock this "Hillary Wins" t-shirt ($13) in the weeks leading up to Nov. 8.


Girl power! This "POTUS" shirt ($20), which features the symbol for "female," is plain but perfect.

13 "Hill Yes"

It doesn't get much better thank this, right? A "Hill Yes" t-shirt ($18) shows your enthusiasm for the candidate.

14"I'm With Her"

Your collection wouldn't be complete without an "I'm With Her" shirt ($30)

15Hillary Meets Rosie

Seeing Hillary as Rosie The Riveter ($17), especially on a t-shirt, is amazing.


Simple and sweet, this Clinton t-shirt ($20) says it all. And it's a great choice if you support Bill during his reign.

17"My Vote Is For Hillary"

Rather than talk to the pollsters on Eleciton Day, tell them to read your "My Vote Is For Hillary" shirt ($30). That should give them the answer they need, right?