
These 26 Hilarious Breastfeeding Memes Go Out To All The Nursing Moms This Month
Whether you just started breastfeeding, or you've been doing it for years, there is one thing we know for sure: with breastfeeding comes some pretty hilarious moments. The leaking, the biting, the nipple chafing... you have to laugh so that you don't cry at all that you have to endure. That's why these hilarious breastfeeding memes will make you LOL until milk comes out of your you-know-what.
From the trauma of weaning to the heartache of spilling your breastmilk to the embarrassment you feel when your child tries to grab another woman's boobs, there are so many specific experiences that only breastfeeding mamas can relate to. Honestly, it's pretty mind-boggling how impressive our bodies are but that doesn't mean that milk coming out our bodies is kind of strange at the same time.
The point is, our bodies are wonderlands (cue John Mayer) and sometimes, weird things happen. For the sake of your sanity, just roll with it and laugh. And when you think that you're the only person experiencing certain things, trust... you are not. There are many fellow breastfeeding moms out there who get it.
So at your next mommy and baby meet up, pull out this list of hilarious breastfeeding memes. It'll get a good laugh, and open the floor up for some pretty funny breastfeeding stories, I'm sure.
Sometimes the most ridiculous headlines around breastfeeding make their way into the news. The story of a woman getting banned from Victoria's Secret for breastfeeding is unfortunately true, according to Today. Good thing there are reliable outlets like Saturday Night Live to get to those hard-hitting facts out there. *Eye-roll*
Save a tree and breastfeed (if you can). Sure nursing is great for your baby, but it's also great for your wallet evidently, and anyone who has had to spend money on formula can attest to this.
You've probably asked yourself this question a log during your adolescent and adult years. Apparently this dilemma starts at birth. But really — what do you do with your hands?
10They are Everywhere
Kids who are breastfeeding must love boobs, and that doesn't just mean just your boobs — all boobs. They must feel like they're at an all-you-can-eat buffet sometimes, even though we all know it doesn't work that way.
15Waiting To Finish
When the breastfeeding session feels like forever, you have this meme to get you through it. Seriously, aren't their stomachs only supposed to be the size of a ping pong ball?
16New Flavors
You know how you always know when fall is approaching when Starbucks starts rolling out their pumpkin spice flavored lattes? Well, apparently your baby does, too.
17Flat Milk
While some babies have no problem toggling from breastmilk to formula without any problem, other babies are less enthusiastic about the transition. Here's what just might be going through their tiny little brains if they appear to be more amped about the formula in the bottle than the milk in your breast.
24Bite Them
Sometimes, things go awry even if you're a seasoned nursing mama. For example, when your baby is teething, they will bite anything, and I mean anything, including the boob that feeds them. When they are just bored and testing their grasping skills, you might get a pinch on your breast, upper arm, or belly during a feeding. You just never know.
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