30 Photos Of Princess Diana In Ski Attire To Get You Up The Bunny Hill
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'Tis the season for walking in a winter wonderland, wearing all of the snowy fashion and sipping on something warm. But if you're feeling a bit ehh about any of the above, I have the perfect solution. Please help yourself to the many incredible photos of Princess Diana in ski attire from over the years that will help get you amped for the chilly months ahead and, hey, they might even inspire you to get up that bunny hill once and for all.
Princess Diana was known for many things in her day, not least of which was her iconic fashion sense. In our vintage-obsessed age, the late royal's brightly colored ski suits and puffer jackets are the perfect inspiration for your winter wardrobe. Modern royals are often drawing from her style and paying homage to one of the greats with their own trendy threads — and you can, too.
Thanks to a beautifully stocked collection of vacation photos, fans of fashion and the royal family can reminisce over some of Princess Diana's greatest looks. More than a few of her most stylish get-ups were dawned while on the family's many vacations. Like the rest of the royal family, Princess Diana spent plenty of time in the snow and her skiing style was unparalleled to say the least. Without further ado, feast your eyes on some of the most amazing winter wear I've ever seen.
Ski Lodge Vibes
This one piece ski suit is giving me all the mountain vacay vibes. Surely I'm not the only one?
It's A Look
The v-neck. The color contrast. The shades. Need I say more?
A Family Affair
Princess Diana isn't the only one who could rock a ski suit. Check out young Prince William and Prince Harry wearing a couple of complementary suits of their own.
Accessorized With Sass
Here we see Princess Diana rocking yet another ski suit. But this time she accessorized with some serious sass. See how she casually slung the skis over her shoulder? Some things you just can't learn, folks.
Shades For Days
Yes, I know. We have already visited this star-spangled beauty. But I encourage you to look again. Check out the shades on Princess Di smiling with her fourth cousin and sister-in-law, Sarah "Fergie" Ferguson. There's no risk of snow blindness here, but a 100% chance of fashion.
Coated In Style
It wasn't all ski suits for Princess Diana. Sometimes she rocked a winter-worthy pantsuit.
Have a look at the matching white hood and white gloves. Elegant and understated, and utterly classic.
Imitation Is The Sincerest Form Of Flattery
Princess Diana looked amazing in just about everything she wore. But there's something about that blonde hair coupled with a red ensemble that makes it my favorite look — I'm not even going to get into the magic that is her headband. And considering Kate Middleton mirrored the look on her own ski trip, I'd say it's a favorite all around.
Accessories, Accessories, Accessories
Accessories are the key to perfecting any outfit. As you can see, Princess Diana rotated a variety of hats, scarves, earmuffs, and sunglasses with her signature looks.
A Little Bling
The accessorizing didn't stop with winter wear. Even while she was all bundled up, Princess Diana managed to include some jewelry in her looks as well. Here you can see some striped hoops that make my heart skip a beat. Talk about style.
Grace Upon Grace
OK, admittedly this one is less about what Princess Diana is wearing and more about how she wore it. Not everyone can look this good after a wipe out, but I encourage you to try.
Red, White, & Cool All Over
This ski suit is perhaps my favorite. The monochrome red is broken up by black and white accents, with white ski boots completing the head-to-toe look.
Rosy Perfection
I'm not sure if she's wearing lipstick or just the natural rosiness of a day spent hitting the slopes, but either way, Princess Diana's lips are a look.
Find Your Color & Own It
Red, again, the glorious red. This time, broken up with black accents throughout.
Embrace The Poof
Let's be honest; puffer jackets aren't the chicest way to stay warm. But, hey, sometimes you have to choose function over fashion. Take a note from Princess Diana's book and embrace the poof and the comfort that comes with it on your next ski trip.
Underneath all the puffy ski clothes, Princess Diana kept it chic while on holiday in a pretty, blue turtleneck top.
Beyond her own look, Princess Diana also managed to match with her children in many of their family ski photos. Mixing hues and patterns, she and the boys looked fab.
Talent Is Trendy, Too
All of the cute ski clothes in the pro shop can't make up for a lack of skill. Along with donning fresh duds, Princess Diana also owned the slopes. Consider investing in a lesson or two to go along with that Patagonia.
Freezing Fingers Are *Not* Fashion Forward
Princess Diana's gloves may look a bit more Mike Tyson than Kate Moss, but you can't deny that they look warm. Yet another case for form over fashion.
Hat Hair, Beware
While Princess Diana was often photographed with her short hair blowing in the mountain breeze, she often covered her head with a warm hat. Not a bad move, considering the cold.
Volume, Anyone?
I take back everything I ever said about hat hair. Because Princess Diana was out there looking like a dang Pantene ad on the slopes and it is just goals.
It's All About Practical Accessories
If you look really closely, you can see that Princess Diana wore her sunglasses on a chain around her neck. Not only does that add an extra accessory to the mix, but it also keeps you from losing your glasses in the fresh powder. It's a win-win.
Are Those Leggings?!
OK, they're probably not leggings. Royal protocol and all that. But come on, they sure look like leggings. The good news here is that this look could be easily replicated with some nice fleece-lined leggings for those of us who don't have generations of royal fashion rules to live by.
Equipment — The Ultimate Accessory
All of her beautiful clothes and perfect hair aside, a good pair of skis, poles, and boots are the ultimate functional accessory for your vacay.
Don't Forget The Squad
While not exactly an accessory, per se, Princess Diana often hit the slopes with family and friends. Let her many group shots inspire you and your own squad to hit the slopes.
Filters Are Pure Magic
Long before I was hiding my crows feet under a solid sepia filter on Instagram, Princess Diana was looking stunning in both color and black and white. Let this photo inspire you to use all the filters you wish to dress up your action shots.
A Little Scenery
If the fashion choices aren't enough to get you out of the house and into some skis, check out that beautiful mountain backdrop. Even if you can't afford to jet off the the Alps, some stateside white-capped mountains are the perfect backdrop for a getaway.
Buttoned Up Mother & Son
Princess Diana and son, Prince Harry, were all buttoned up in their snow gear. Who says you have to freeze to spend a day on the slopes?
A Smile Is Your Best Accessory
You've heard it before, but I'll say it again: You're never fully dressed until you put on your smile. The same goes for the slopes.
She Wore It Best
Simply perfect. There you have it, folks. Princess Diana may have worn it best, but you can totally copy her look. Feel free to add this to your Pinterest board. You're welcome.