35 Family Movies On Disney+ To Watch With Your Kids Again & Again
The wait is finally over! After months of suspense, previews, and counting down, Disney+ officially launched on Tuesday, Nov. 12. Although even more movies and TV shows are slated to join the initial lineup later on, there's plenty of Disney awesomeness to tide you over for a while. In fact, let's take a look at least 35 family movies on Disney+ you can watch with your kids ASAP.
There are really so many great movies and TV shows on Disney's new streaming service already, I didn't even know where to begin. However, after sifting through the extensive list of family-friendly flicks for a bit, I've narrowed it down to a couple dozen of the best movies you and your kiddos can sit down — while wrapped in cozy blankets with a giant bowl of buttery popcorn, of course — and enjoy together. Some of these appeal more to the kids, while some are more of a giant dose of nostalgia for parents. But, really, all of them can be enjoyed as a family and by people of all ages.
So without further ado, here are some of the best family movies you should definitely add to your Disney+ lineup now.
1. The First Three 'Toy Story' Movies
If you haven't yet watched Toy Story 4 (or even if you have), then you can enjoy the first three movies of the series all over again — and all in one place. Yep. Toy Story, Toy Story 2, and Toy Story 3 are all ready to stream on Disney+! So grab the tissues and get ready to experience the ups and downs of Woody, Buzz, and the whole gang's journey all over again.
2. The Original 'Star Wars' Series
If you have older kids — or if your youngish children are fine with some space action/fighting scenes — then the original Star Wars movies are a must. Especially considering the final movie of the new trilogy, Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker hits theaters on Dec. 20.
3. The Live-Action 'Lady and the Tramp'
The brand new, live-action remake of Lady and the Tramp has been released exclusively on Disney+. It's a beloved classic in a whole new light. Plus it involves dogs. What's not to love?
4.'Beauty and the Beast'
The animated version of Beauty and the Beast is a timeless classic that can be enjoyed again and again. If you have a Disney+ subscription and your kiddos have never seen it, then it's time to introduce them to the magic.
5. 'Aladdin'
You might have recently seen the live-action remake of Aladdin with your family. Well, now's the perfect time to enjoy the original Disney animated classic with your kiddos. That way, they'll have a healthy appreciation for both.
6. 'The Lion King'
Here's yet another Disney animated classic that has seen a recent live-action remake. No matter how many times you watched it on your VHS tape as a kid, The Lion King is always a great family movie night option. And now you can stream it on Disney+.
7. 'The Little Mermaid'
With the spectacle of The Little Mermaid Live!, as well as the anticipation of the live-action remake of The Little Mermaid, the animated version is as relevant as ever. So why not throw it back on family movie night ahead of yet another version the beloved classic?
8. '101 Dalmatians'
Again, the combination of an animated Disney movie, a touch of nostalgia, and a story centered on dogs is a winning recipe for a family movie. Disney's 1996 101 Dalmations is sure to delight young kiddos while taking parents back to their childhood days.
9. 'A Goofy Movie'
I don't know about you, but A Goofy Movie was one of my all-time favorite movies as a kid. The music is catchy as heck, and the struggle that is navigating social/school life when you're oh-so-awkward and have the most embarrassing parent ever? Well, it's pretty much a universal experience. Stream this movie with your family and before you know it your kids will randomly be humming "Stand Out." And you won't be able to stop smiling.
10. 'Big Hero 6'
Sure, Big Hero 6 tackles some pretty tough topics, such as death and grief, but it does so in a calculated and meaningful way. Plus the visuals, music, and characters are all pretty unforgettable. Bonus: Once you're done watching the movie with the fam, check out Big Hero 6: The Series, which is also available on Disney+.
11. 'Brother Bear'
In my humble opinion, Brother Bear is one of the most underrated animated films out there. It's a story of three brothers and their unbreakable bond. It's a story of loss. Of growth and maturity. And the music is pretty great, too.
12. 'Doug’s 1st Movie'
Throwback alert! I mean, who didn't watch the TV show Doug in the 90s? Doug's 1st Movie is definitely geared more toward parents sharing their childhood with their kids. But hey, it's still a movie the whole family can enjoy.
13. 'Fantasia' & 'Fantasia 2000'
Watch music come to life in Disney's Fantasia and Fantasia 2000, which are both available on Disney+. Your kiddos will sit there mesmerized by the beautiful and animation set to iconic songs. And you'll wonder if there will ever be a Fantasia 2100 someday.
14. 'Freaky Friday'
Spoiler alert: There are actually three different Freaky Friday movies on Disney+. So pick your favorite — or eventually watch all three — and bond with the kiddos over how bizarre it would be switch lives for a day.
15. 'Frozen'
Considering Frozen 2 hits theaters on Nov. 22, it's probably best to get a refresher on the original movie, eh? Not that you don't already have every lyric of the 2013 hit already memorized.
16. 'The Santa Clause'
Just in time for the holiday season, The Santa Clause is now available for streaming on Disney+. Tim Allen taking on the role of ol' Saint Nick himself never gets old. Share the magic and hilarity with your kids, and then go ahead and check out The Santa Clause 2 and The Santa Clause 3, while you're at it.
17. 'Annie'
The 1999 Disney movie adaption of the musical Annie is yet another solid option for family movie night. It's a wholesome story of an orphan who gets adopted in a roundabout sort of way. And it has some pretty catchy tunes to go along with it.
18. 'The Sandlot'
Oh, The Sandlot. Your kids will finally know where the quote, "You're killin' me, Smalls," comes from after watching this movie with you. And parents will simultaneously delight in the nostalgia of watching the beloved movie, while lamenting the fact that kids aren't allowed to play outside all day unsupervised like they were.
19. 'The Princess Diaries' (I & II)
Watch Anne Hathaway transform from geeky to glamorous after she finds out she's actually a member of a royal family. It's one of those timeless tales that you and your children will delight in over and over again. Bonus: The Princess Diaries 2 is also on Disney+.
20. 'Rookie of the Year'
Rookie of the Year follows the story of a boy named Henry, who goes from the worst player on his little league team to playing in Major League Baseball — all because of the freaky way a broken arm healed. It's a story about discovering what really matters in life. It's also a great way to laugh with your family on movie night.
21. 'The Emperor's New Groove'
Here's another highly underrated Disney movie, in my opinion. But I mean, a story based on an emperor getting turned into a llama is bound to be entertaining, right? One thing's for sure: You and your kiddos will be laughing throughout movie night when you watch The Emperor's New Groove.
22. 'The Parent Trap' (Both Versions!)
Whether you prefer the 1998 version with Lindsay Lohan version or the 1961 version, it doesn't matter. Because now you can catch both versions of The Parent Trap on Disney+. Twin sisters separated at birth meet at a summer camp, and then decided to switch lives so their parents will be forced to switch them back. It never gets old, I tell ya.
23. 'Oliver & Company'
Oliver & Company was totally under-appreciated in its day. But not by me. (I'm pretty sure I had the soundtrack to this movie once upon a time, this music is that good.) And now that it's on Disney+, it can live on with my kids and yours.
24. 'Miracle'
If you're on the lookout for an inspiring — and true — sports story, then Miracle just might be the ticket. The 2004 movie is based on the true story of coach Herb Brooks, who led the 1980 U.S. Olympic hockey team to victory over the Russian team. Note: It is rated PG for "language and some rough sports action." So this movie might be best for older kids.
25. 'The Fox and the Hound'
The Fox and the Hound is yet another great family movie. This sweet story about an unlikely friendship between a fox and a hound dog is a real tear-jerker. Seriously. So grab some tissues and try not to let your kids see you crying when Todd's owner abandons him in the woods.
26. 'Moana'
Fall in love with the Moana soundtrack all over again by streaming the 2016 movie on Disney+. This coming-of-age story follows a teenage princess who sets out to save her island with the help of the demigod, Maui. (And her pet chicken, of course.) You'll be belting "How Far I'll Go" for weeks, and, yeah, it will be awesome.
27. 'Finding Nemo'
Finding Nemo might leave you sobbing and clutching your children in the first 5 minutes, sure. But the story of a father searching the ocean for his son, Nemo, is one you and your kids can enjoy again and again. The animation just so beautiful. Not to mention, Dory is endlessly quotable. "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming ..." (And when you're done, go ahead and watch Finding Dory, which is also available on Disney+.)
28. 'The AristoCats'
The AristoCats was made in 1970, but I'll bet your kids will be grooving to its jazzy beats. Follow the story of a cat named Duchess — the pet of a wealthy widow — and her three kittens as they befriend an alley cat named Thomas, who helps them find their way home. (Think Lady and the Tramp, but with cats.) Warning: You just might catch yourself singing, "Everybody wants to be a cat" randomly at work.
29. 'The Muppet Movie'
Introduce your kiddos to the world of the Muppets with The Muppet Movie. This story follows Kermit and his friends as they travel across America to find success in Hollywood. However, a frog legs merchant is after Kermit, and many shenanigans ensue.
30. 'Blank Check'
Your kids (and you) can live vicariously through the movie, Blank Check, as Preston Waters goes on a spending spree after receiving — you guessed it — a blank check. Preston proceeds to burn through $1 million, completely unaware at first that the gangsters who gave him the check are after him.
31. 'Pocahontas'
Don't lie: You still know all the words to the songs in Disney's Pocahontas. You can impress your kids with this ability as you belt out "Colors of the Wind." Depending on how old your kids are, you can also take movie night as an opportunity to explain the history behind the movie.
32. 'James and the Giant Peach'
James and the Giant Peach is based on the book of the same name, written by Roald Dahl. Both the characters and animation of the movie are so captivating, that you'll find yourself watching it over and over again.
33. 'Monsters, Inc.'
Monsters, Inc. is a movie that people of all ages will love. The story takes place in a parallel universe of monsters, who create "scream energy" through scaring human children. A top-scarer, Sully, suddenly finds himself in the possession of a human child, Boo, who inadvertently wanders into the monster world. In trying to "put that thing back where it came from, so help me," Sully and his BFF Mike form a close bond with Boo. (Be sure to also catch the sequel, Monsters University.)
34. 'Mulan'
A young woman who doesn't fit the mold of a traditional, Chinese female, Mulan disguises herself as a man takes her father's place in war. This empowering film — filled with catchy tunes and plenty of quotable lines — will leave you bursting into song whenever you hear the phrase, "Let's get down to business." I can guarantee it.
35. 'The Incredibles'
The Incredibles follows the lives of former super heroes, Mr. Incredible and Elastagirl, as they attempt to live normal lives in the suburbs after their glory days have ended. Except, the couple's kids have powers, too, which makes them the exact opposite of inconspicuous. Watch as the Incredible family works together to save the day, leading them to finally embrace who they really are.