In my opinion, as a parent you need a great sense of humor. Whether it's laughing through ridiculous circumstances or finding the funny during a toddler tantrum, laughter truly is the best medicine. Another upside to motherhood? The moment your kid tries to tell their version of a joke. They don't really understand the structure of a joke, let alone how to deliver a solid punchline, but they're usually funny nonetheless. So if you're a mom and your kid is 3 or 4 (or older), ask your kid to tell you a joke. I guarantee you, it will be worth your time.
I actually started thinking more about the comedy of parenthood and how naturally funny children are in recent days. For reasons unknown, my 4-year-old came home with a plethora of knock knock jokes. None of his jokes made any real sense, but they were drop dead hilarious to him (and, eventually, me). I didn't teach my son to say jokes, or encourage him to try out comedy as a hobby, but there he was: telling jokes and looking for a laugh.
In my experience, kids love to laugh and they love to laugh with other people, so I can't say I'm necessarily surprised that my son (or any kid) is a natural comedian. And thank goodness, right? Sometimes, as a parent, you have to find a way to laugh to keep from crying. So if you're in the parenting weeds, or have ever wondered about a 5-year-old’s sense of humor or what makes a 9-year-old laugh, check out these incredibly silly jokes from some hilarious kids:
Truett, 5
Mom: "You'll sit down if you know what's good for you."
Truett: "Fruit! Fruit is good for you."
Mario, 4
“What do you call a smelly fairy? Stinkerbelle.”
Dylan, 8
“What did the ranch say to the ketchup in the fridge? Close the door, I’m dressing!”
Olive, 4
“Why didn’t the chicken cross the road? Because his brother got hit by a car when he tried it.”
Winnie 3
Winnie: "Knock-knock."
Dad: "Who's there?"
Winnie: "It's me! Winnie!"
(Then she laughed at herself for two minutes).
Abi, 8
“What branch of the military did the rabbit join? The hair Force.”
August, 11
“What’s brown and sticky? A stick.
Note from August’s mom: "His first joke ever, when he was about 2 or 3, was when we were getting into the car. My husband put a Starbucks coffee on the roof of the car for a second and my son pointed to it and says, ‘Hat!’ and then died laughing. We were proud parents."
Molly, 4
"What's green and it flies? Super pickle!"
Brooklyne, 6
“How do you wake Lady GaGa up in the morning? You pokerface."
"Why did Piglet have his hand in the toilet? He was looking for Pooh.”
Joel, 5
“What time is it when an elephant sits on your fence? Time to get a new sandwich.”
Chad, 4
“Person 1: Knock knock.
Person 2: Who's there?
Person 1: Pizza.
Person 2: Pizza who?
Person 1: Pizza running down your leg.”
Wellington, 10
“What is better than a yellow banana? Literally everything. Bananas are terrible.”
Yael, 4
“Where do pencils like to go for walks? Pencilvania!"
"What state can we not go to cause it’s too sugary? Minnesoda!”
Lucy, 12
"Eggs are just poop in a shell."
Isaac, 7
"What rhymes with Mommy? Commie!"
Rex, 6
“Why did Darth Vader go to the lightest side? Because he wanted to be happier!”
Gioia, 3
Gioia: "Knock knock!"
Mom: "Who’s there?"
Gioia: "Desk!"
Mom: "Desk who?"
Gioia: "Lamp!”
Scott, 9
“Why did the scarecrow always win the contest? Because it's always out standing in its field.”
Sam, 5
“Why did the tree rip off all of her leaves? Because she thought it was winter, but it was really just nighttime. The stars looked like snowflakes.”
Marshall, 8
“Why did the tomato blush? Because he saw the salad dressing!”
William, 5
“What do you call a bird with no tail? A fake bird!”
Wolfgang, 5
“Why did the chicken cross the road without permission? Because he didn't have a boss.”
Lily, 6
“Why did the cow miss the dance? Because the cow dance already started and he was late because he was going to the playground.”
Jonah, 7
"When you go to Whole Foods, do you get to buy half foods?"
"What's a mouse's least favorite weather? When it rains cats and dogs!"
Robin, 6
“Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the idiot's house."
Robin: "Knock knock."
Mom: "Who's there?"
Robin: "The chicken.”
Jonah, 5
Jonah: "Knock knock."
Mom: "Who’s there?"
Jonah: "Earth."
Mom: "Earth who?"
Jonah: "Earth.”
Oliver, 7
“What do white belts call karate? KA-rate."
"What does a chicken say when it eats chicken stew? I’m stupid!"
"What did the mommy train say to the baby train at dinner time? Choo-Choo."
Tegan, 6
“Why did the dinosaur cross the road? To jump on TVs and stuff!”
Robert, 5
“What did the house with icicles on it say in the winter? Aaaaah! I need pizza! And other warm things!”
Amara, 7
“Why didn’t the toilet paper cross the road? It got stuck in a crack!”
Jack, 4
Jack: "Knock, knock."
Mom: "Who’s there?"
Jack: "Banana."
Mom: "Banana who?"
Jack: "Knock, knock."
Mom: "Who’s there?"
Jack: "Banana."
Mom: "Banana who?"
Jack: "Knock, knock."
Mom: "Who’s there?"
Jack: "Banana."
Mom: "Banana who?"
Jack: "Knock, knock."
Mom: "Who’s there?"
Jack: "Aren’t you glad I said orange rather than banana?”