I've said it before and I'll say it again: We are not worthy of dogs. They're the ultimate best friends. You're sad? They'll comfort you. Sleepy? They'll nap with you. Excited? They'll celebrate with you. Dogs provide unconditional love and a whole lot of entertainment in exchange for a few treats and some belly rubs. Whether you're a a casual dog person or wholeheartedly dog-obsessed, these 40 hilarious GIFs of dogs are guaranteed to make your day.
Aside from the laughs they bring, owning a dog provides a whole host of other benefits. Turns out, children in families with dogs can experience many advantages. Kids with dogs generally show higher levels of compassion, self-esteem, cognitive development, and happiness, among other things, according to an article by the American Kennel Club. When children have a chance to help their parents care for their furry friend, they also get a chance to develop the responsibility, empathy, and competence that comes with owning a pet. Time Magazine also noted that dog owners are more active, on average, than people who do not own dogs. Most notably, dog owners were more active on cold, wet winter days than non-owners were even on sunny, warm days. If these benefits haven't sold you on dogs yet, these GIFs certainly will.
1So Close, Buddy
Not every dog is gifted with mouth-eye coordination, but I love this guy for trying so hard.
2Meal Time = Best Time.
I feel exactly like this when I see my food coming my way when I'm at a restaurant. You're my spirit animal, little guy.
4Is There Something On Me?
One smart kitty decided to hitch a ride on the family dog. When cats and dogs inhabit the same home, some funny interactions are bound to happen.
5Sassy Birthday Girl
It's her birthday, she can bat her cake to the ground if she wants to! I guess her owners didn't get the flavor she likes.
7Treat Yourself
After a long day of eating and napping, it's always good to unwind. Now a little to the left...
8He's A Vegan
I can honestly say I've never had this reaction around lettuce. Do you want some dressing, at least?
9Swimming Laps
Swimming is incredible exercise, and this dog is feeling the burn. Look at that determination!
11Make Yourself At Home
This is pretty much the image that runs through my head when someone asks, "What are you doing this weekend?"
Dogs love sticking their heads out the window on car rides. When you're stuck inside, this is the next best way to feel the wind in your hair.
19Winter Bellyboarding
When the ground is icy, this isn't too shabby of an idea. Who really needs sensation in their belly, anyways?
This dog is that friend of yours who insists on doing party tricks every time you go out together.
24Did I Sit In Something?
Dogs have no concept of personal space. In my opinion, that's one of their best qualities.
27Can't Be Tamed
The playpen seemed like a decent idea, but this dog is clearly an escape artist and genius.
28All About The Chase
This dog doesn't need his human's attention. Until he doesn't have it anymore, of course.
29Cake Cake Cake
You know he's been looking forward to this cake since last year. Who says getting older is a bad thing?
31Tricky Glass Door
If you've under run into a sliding glass door full-speed, you completely understand this dog's hesitation.
Search "guilty dog" on YouTube and prepare to laugh. Apparently, dogs are incapable of hiding their own shame when they've misbehaved. Truthfully, who can punish them after seeing this face?
34A Win-Win Situation
These boy and his beloved dog take the phrase, "You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours," very literally.
35Now You See Me
You can't hear it, but "Somebody's Watching Me" by Rockwell is playing in the background.
36Dog In A Blanket
My dog can't even master rolling over, let alone this blanket maneuver. I'm impressed.