
Your Pregnancy Sweats, Explained
If there's a group of people that generally dreads summer more than any other, it's got to be pregnant women. Expecting mamas tend to be overheated no matter what time of year it is, and the heat and humidity of summer make the problem even worse. Though being hot and sweaty during pregnancy isn't fun, it is super common. There are a bunch of different reasons for your pregnancy sweats, which are totally normal and rarely anything to worry about— though I do suggest keeping you a stick of deodorant on you at all times.
As a currently pregnant mom myself, whose third trimester just happens to overlap almost perfectly with summer (just my luck), I know how icky and uncomfortable the pregnancy sweats are. I'm not thrilled about the rising temperatures, but I do have a survival plan that can totally work for you, too: lots of loose, flowing cotton clothing, always having a big glass of ice water on hand, and of course, parking my pregnant butt indoors in front of the air-conditioning as much as I possibly can.
Here are five non-weather related reasons you might be sweating up a storm this summer, including one that you may need to talk to your doctor about.
1Your Hormones Are Raging
Like so many of pregnancy's discomforts, your hormones are to blame for your frequent sweats. According to What To Expect, the hormonal changes of pregnancy confuse the area of the brain that regulates your body temperature (the hypothalamus), which makes you feel hot and sweaty.
2Your Blood Flow Is Higher
Your pregnancy hormones also increase your blood flow, according to Everyday Health. That can leave you sweaty and flushed (but ideally, you'll be able to pass that off as the fabled "pregnancy glow").
3Your Metabolism Has Sped Up
Everyday Health also noted that your metabolism speeds up a bit during pregnancy. That heats up your body, leaving you a sweaty mess.
4Your Body Temperature Is Higher
According to Health and Parenting, pregnancy naturally raises your body temperature. That higher temperature means to a hot and sweaty body.
5You Might Have A Thyroid Problem
Sweating during pregnancy is usually normal, especially if you've got a bun in the oven during the hot summer months. But in some cases, it can be a sign of a more serious health issue. According to The Bump, hyperthyroidism in pregnancy might be to blame if your sweats are accompanied by a rapid heartbeat, and weight loss.