5 Tips For Traveling With Your Toddler
When you’re traveling with your toddler, it’s best to pack your sense of humor before anything else. Whether you are trekking by plane, train, or automobile, it’s important to set your family up for success. Heck, my toddlers get cranky when they’re strapped in their carseats for the five-minute ride to the grocery store, never mind prolonged periods in spaces that don’t come with the promise of a race-car-shaped shopping cart at the end of them. If you have the resolve to travel with your young family, I commend you, brave soul. I suggest starting by hoping for the best, expecting the unexpected, and knowing that you will get there in one piece (and very ready for a vacation).
Once you’re in the right mindset, rest assured that there are plenty of other ways you can prep for toddler travels besides mental preparation. To prove it, we’ve teamed up with The Pout Pout The Fish, Far, Far From Home to bring you helpful tips for traveling with your toddler, and take it from me — the Pout Pout books recently saved my life as a mom of two boys under 4 years old on a flight to Florida. We hope these tips come in handy as you break away from the day-to-day, and venture off with your little ones. Start reading, and start packing, mama!
1Pack Tons Of Entertainment
If your toddler is anything like mine, he is a jitterbug (and probably shares its same attention span, too). That can wear on your nerves after a while, particularly in enclosed spaces. Keep your little one entertained by coming prepped for whatever his mood calls for — particularly a jaunt with The Pout Pout Fish, who is enjoying travels of his own in this new release. He can remind them that it’s fun to break out of your comfort zone and discover someplace new. From thoughtful to fun, travel with this diversion pack, and you’ll have your bases covered (and maybe even avoid a side-eye from the neighboring passenger who disapproves of rambunctious children).
2Keep Hanger At Bay
I’m talking snacks on snacks on snacks, from the nutritious to the nourishing and everything in between. Nothing makes a volatile toddler erupt faster than hunger or thirst. And unfortunately for you, those might not be feelings they know how to interpret or verbalize yet. If you don’t want to be stuck being the one to ask “Are we there yet?” five seconds into the trip, pack plenty of snacks, and keep them coming.
3Think Healthy Thoughts
Move over Peter Pan with your “just think happy thoughts” business; I’m talking health here, because coughs, colds, and tummy troubles have no business tagging along on your trip.
The only thing worse than being sick on vacation is having a toddler who is sick on vacation. As parents, we’ll go to great lengths to ensure that doesn’t happen! Keep hands and surface areas clean, and stock up on healthy supplements to boost their immune system and keep them regular. You’ll all feel better that way!
4Make Coziness A Top Priority
Traveling can be exhausting. Traveling when you’re uncomfortable can be downright miserable. Set your family up for success by packing all of the cozy essentials that will put them at ease — no matter how long your trek may be, or how cramped your quarters are. The perfect combination of comfortable must-haves will encourage your toddler to settle down, settle in, and prepare for the journey ahead. May it be a peaceful one!
5Don’t Get Caught Without The Essentials
Stock your diaper bag and keep it close. Accidents happen — and we’re not talking about on the road. Whether your toddler is diaper dependent or fully potty trained, a long haul and unfamiliar surroundings can be tiring and distracting, so it’s best to be prepared for anything. Pack extra of all the essentials that will keep him snug and dry, and buy yourself some peace of mind. Even if he manages to stay accident-free, varying climates and traveling temperatures can call for unforeseen outfit changes in a moment’s notice. Be ready.
This post is sponsored by The Pout-Pout Fish, Far, Far From Home.