
These 6 DIY Easter Photo Booth Ideas Will Make The Hoppiest Holiday Memories
You’re probably planning to celebrate Easter with just your immediate crew, but if you take a family photo at every holiday, this year should be no exception. The problem is that there’s no one else around (looking at you, distant cousins) to take the group picture. But with the right DIY Easter photo booth ideas, you can still get a picture of everyone in their springy best with the help of your iPad or phone; plus, using a photo booth captures more of the background than a selfie ever can (so everyone on the 'gram can see your Easter tree).
Just like a real photo shoot, there’s no guarantee that you'll manage to get a shot where everyone's eyes are open and no one is bawling (ah, the joys of family photographs), but making a photo booth and the accompanying props can be a fun way to prepare for a holiday that feels a little strange this time around. From bunny ears (of course) to creative backdrops and helpful apps, these Easter photo booth ideas will inspire you to whip out the felt and tissue paper or put your kiddos in some sweet spring clothes and ask them to hold still in exchange for a jelly bean or two.
1Find The Best Set Up
First, the basics: You'll need an iPad or another device with a camera on it to make your photo booth, plus a stand or a way to prop it up. There are photo stands available to buy on Amazon, but shipping is unpredictable these days, and you can use a sheet music stand in a pinch, or just (carefully) lean your iPad up against a stack of books on a table. The normal camera app is fine to use (you can set a timer to take the picture once everyone has gotten in the frame), or there are apps out there like Pocket Booth or Simple Booth that deliver a real photo booth experience by allowing you to see or print your photos in a strip.
Outside pics can look great, but beware of glare, which also applies if your photo booth is inside near a window (you can easily throw a dark sheet over the window to block the light).
2Make A Backdrop
Part of the fun of photo booths is having an eye-catching background, but it doesn't have to be super complicated to make. You could tape a bunch of pastel streamers to a wall or a curtain rod, and voila, you have a background. Another easy idea is to secure some springy wrapping paper to your wall (like these cute options from Paper Source). There are tons of cute felt Easter garlands available on Etsy that look festive against a blank wall, or you can DIY one if you're feeling crafty.
3Buy (Or Make!) Funny Props
No photo booth is complete without mustaches, glasses, or whatever your favorite accessory may be. You can make a bunny ear crown out of pipe cleaners for your kiddos per The Wonder Forest (and they're so cute you may want one too). Target sells a set of Easter props, which are slated to come in time for the holiday, but you can also make some easy props using materials you may already have, like construction paper or popsicle sticks (yes, I'm almost crying over the cuteness of these popsicle stick chicks from A Crafty Morning).
4Make A Chalkboard Or Letter Sign
If you have a chalk or a letter board, you can have your kiddos help you make a sign for your photos. Easter 2020 won't be easily forgotten, but when you're looking at a series of photos from over the years, it can be tough to remember what was what. A sign saying something like, "Happy Easter 2020" will help give context to your photo, plus it will keep your kids occupied for at least a little bit.
5Use What You Have
You don't have to buy a ton of new stuff you'll only use once to have a successful photo booth. If you have carrots or dyed eggs, you can use them as props. Or you could use tissue or construction paper to make gorgeous paper flowers (per Very Well Family). Your kiddos may love making Easter crafts, and even if they don't turn out Pinterest-perfect (what ever does?) you'll still have fun doing something different.
6Try Cardboard Cutouts
You can make your very own Easter-themed cardboard cutouts (sometimes called face-in-a-hole, apparently). You or your kiddos can paint or draw a big bunny, egg, or a chick, and then cut out an oval hole so your little ones can take some pics with their own faces peeking out. There are a few available on Etsy, but half of the fun is seeing how ridiculous your own creation turns out.