

6 Factors In Making Breast Milk That You Have No Control Over

by Olivia Youngs

No matter how much of a milk maven you consider yourself to be, there are some factors in making breast milk that you have no control over. The first weeks after giving birth are unpredictable at best, and there will likely be things about breastfeeding that you didn't expect, regardless of whether it's your first baby or your third.

As a mother, it's in your nature to try to control things, especially when your family is concerned. Breastfeeding is the perfect way to control exactly what nutrients your baby gets and make sure that you're fully in tune with them. But sometimes, issues come up, or harmless situations arise, that are out of even your control.

You may not be able to control what kind of milk supply you have from the get-go or how well your baby latches on right away, but you can control the effort you put into correcting whatever issues you face. Luckily, most roadblocks mothers face when breastfeeding are reversible with a little time and effort, so don't worry about things that are out of your control. Instead, focus on what you can do to turn your time breastfeeding into a positive experience for both you and your little one.

1When Your Milk Comes In

According to Kid's Health, most mother's milk comes in within a few days of giving birth. In some cases, however, it may take a bit longer for it to come in. Until it does, your baby will be just fine with the colostrum you've been making since pregnancy.

The first time around is likely to take a bit longer than in subsequent pregnancies, and some mothers swear that pumping right away helps your supply come in, but for some moms, it may take longer than expected and that's ok.

2How Easily It Comes For You And Baby

For some moms, breastfeeding is a cinch. For others it's far from easy. Some babies are born with conditions that make it more difficult to breastfeed, and other times there's no reason for the difficulty. Taking the time to learn about proper latch and how to help your baby feed can help correct any issues at the onset.

3Having A Low Milk Supply

Although it's very rare, some women do have low milk supplies for reasons out of their control. According to Baby Center, although you may not be able to prevent what kind of supply you have, you can do things to increase your milk supply.

4Having An Oversupply

Similarly, some women have an oversupply of breast milk from the start. La Leche League International, you can cause an oversupply through things like excessive pumping or nursing more than you need to, but in some cases, women's hormones are "overly eager" and make more milk than is necessary, which causes feeding difficulty and discomfort.

5When Your Baby Gets Hungry

Some babies want to nurse all the time, while others are content to go longer stretches, and although there can be reasons other than hunger for babies to breastfeed, your baby will get hungry whenever they need to. Trying to put them on a rigid nursing schedule usually backfires.

6People's Opinions

You may face criticism based on your decision to breastfeed. But knowing that you most likely won't be able to sway someone's already formed opinion takes some of the pressure off of you wherever you choose to feed your baby.