
8 Things To Know If You're Raising A Capricorn Baby
The good and the bad...
As the tenth sign of the zodiac and with Saturn as its ruling planet, Capricorn babies are truly a bundle of joy and passion for so many reasons. If you’re not familiar with all the traits associated with this earth sign, now’s a good time to brush up: maybe it will give you some insight in how to parent your Capricorn baby (and you may even be inspired to pick a Capricorn baby name, if your little Cap is still on the way).
No child comes with a handbook, but if your little one was born between December 22 and January 19, then chances are you've got a stubborn, smart, and sensitive Capricorn on your hands. Learning about your Capricorn kid and the characteristics they’re likely to develop can help you connect with and support them best.
In general, Capricorns are hard workers who are confident yet humble, practical, and loyal. As earth signs, Capricorn kids may be prone to stubbornness (as if all kids aren’t, but hey) and honesty (the no filter life can be funny, but also embarrassing when they roast a stranger in public). And while, some, all, or none of these things may end up being true about your Capricorn baby, learning about their potential traits is still pretty fun.
1Capricorn kids want to excel.
If you want a job done well, ask a Capricorn. They are often known for being do-gooders and have the focus and drive to accomplish tricky tasks.
“Capricorns are the kids in the class who are reliable, follow through on things, and will motivate others,” says astrologer Georgia Marcantoni.
Capricorn kids are the builders of the zodiac, she adds, so expect your little one to work hard but at a slow and steady pace. “Allow them to work slowly and methodically and bring focus to their activities,” says Marcantoni. “Don’t expect to be quick or finish things quickly, because they want to do things right and with high quality.”
Just encourage them to keep going, and both of you will be happy with the results.
2Capricorns love rules... if they can help make them.
Capricorn kids love structure, almost more than any other sign, so a winging it with your parenting style won’t work for these steadfast little souls. “They really love to have rules and structure, because those containers make them feel safe,” says Marcantoni.
But it’s not enough to lay down an arbitrary set of rules in order to make a Capricorn child happy; you need to include them in the decision-making process, too.
“They’re developing their own authority and, because of that, you have to help them to decide what rules work for them,” Marcantoni says. That could mean working with them to determine when their snack time will be, or trying to give them control when possible, like choosing which shoes to wear or which cup to drink from with dinner.
3Your Capricorn baby may get cranky when bored.
A Capricorn child is likely to thrive off new challenges because they’re so ambitious, according to astrologer Dr. Prem Kumar Sharma. If you notice them becoming listless or ornery, simply give them a new task or educational endeavor to complete, and their focus and drive will come into play. Although they may seem like a very serious baby to you, they still crave your attention and want to connect by learning together.
4Capricorn babies are introverts.
One of the most common Capricorn baby traits is that they’ll likely prefer their own company over playing with a big group of kids because of their natural maturity. In fact, your little one may prefer their parents and other close adults for quite some time, until they’re old enough to have to pull out their extroverted side.
“Capricorn leans towards introversion, but they can be extroverted if they have a role of authority within a group,” explains Marcantoni. They might not be a natural-born leader (looking at those Aries babies), but given the chance, they will lead a group with moral integrity.
5Your Capricorn child may struggle with change.
There are more stubborn signs, but a Capricorn baby can also show some tendencies of bullheadedness, but not for the reasons you might think.
“Capricorn is all about security, so change can be really difficult for them,” says Marcantoni. And because their need to feel safe supersedes almost everything else, it’s up to you to help your little one when they stumble. “Help your child to work through change and give them that emotional security and unconditional love they need,” she says. “That will give Capricorn the inner security to help with outward change.”
6Capricorns tend to have successful careers.
Of all the zodiac signs, Capricorn is the one who might be voted most likely to own a business in the future. Part of that is due to their pragmatic nature, and the fact that even in elementary school, this sign wants to have job security.
“Capricorn kids and babies seem wise beyond their years,” Stephanie Gailing, an astrologer and author of The Astrological Self-Care Journal, tells Romper. “Capricorn kids are quite entrepreneurial: they are the ones spearheading the lemonade stands they and their siblings do each year.”
So support their entrepreneurial efforts, whether it’s selling Girl Scout cookies or running a holiday food drive at their school. Maybe they’ll let you live in their penthouse one day.
7Capricorn kids act like mini adults.
Of all the Capricorn baby traits, this may be the most surprising, but your little Cap is likely to be that one kid at the birthday party who would rather sit at the parents’ table.
“Capricorn kids are serious by nature and may have a tendency to behave like tiny adults,” says astrologer Dana DeFranco. “To prevent these old souls from growing up too fast, parents should encourage them to have fun and be silly.”
By showing your kids how much fun they can have baking cookies or sledding down a hill with some fresh powder, you’re helping your Capricorn child learn about healthy work-life balance… even if they’re still in elementary school.
8Capricorns love being rewarded for good work.
All kids like getting an allowance, but earning money for doing something is especially meaningful to a Capricorn child. Not only does it help build their self-esteem, DeFranco says, but it reinforces the fact that you recognize how responsible they are.
“Capricorns of all ages love to earn their keep more than any other sign,” she says. “The amount of their allowance doesn’t have to be a lot, but a job well done should be rewarded with an increase in both responsibility and allowance.”
With any luck, your Capricorn baby has all the traits and talents they’ll need to lead a happy and successful life. One thing’s for sure, it’ll be a joy to watch them grow.
Source interviewed:
Georgia Marcantoni, astrologer
Dana DeFranco, astrologer
Stephanie Gailing, astrologer and author of The Astrological Self-Care Journal
This article was originally published on