7 Changes With Your Skin You Should Never Ignore, No Matter What
As a kid, I remember having these big, watery blisters around my ankle after getting over the chicken pox. Because I was already over being out of school for the previous week or two, I decided to not tell my mom and try to pop all the blisters on my own. Big mistake. Not only was it painful, but I ran the risk of infection. Now that I'm older and a little wiser, I know that there are certain changes with your skin you should never ignore, no matter what.
Though I haven't had any scares like that as an adult, I'm always taking notice to my skin and how it's shaping up. As I've gotten older, I notice that my skin doesn't react to things the same way, nor does it bounce back like it used to either. Certain things that I pay very close attention to are the breakouts that I get on my face as well as the way my skin looks after I've been in the sun for awhile. Sure, it may not be a big deal, but I'd rather be safe than to be sorry — especially when it comes to something as serious as my skin.
If you're not sure what changes you should be keeping an eye on, these seven things are good to jot down.
1A Dark Ring Around Your Neck
Woman's Day noted that having a dark ring around your neck could be a sign of Type 2 Diabetes. The ring is caused from your body pumping out too much insulin and the receptors in the skin folds respond by creating extra pigment.
According to Healthline, when your skin gets dry, it could mean a number of things such as psoriasis, eczema, dehydration, hypothyroidism, diabetes and more. Be sure to consult your doctor if you're concerned about any of these.
3Acne In Places That You've Never Had Before
Though acne can be a regular thing for most, Cosmopolitan noted that getting pimples in certain areas can say something about your health. For example, pimples around your mouth can be due to your diet, while those on your nose and forehead can be a result of stress.
4New Moles Appear Or Old Ones Change
U.S. News noted that if new moles appear or old ones begin to change on your skin, it could be the result of melanoma.
5Pink Scaly Spots
According to Bustle, pink scaly spots on your skin should be a skin symptom that catches your attention, too. This is because it could be a sign of UV-related skin damage.
6A Change In Color
Today noted that if your skin is turning different colors, you may need to visit a doctor sooner than you know. For example, if purple spots are appearing on your hands and feet, that could be a sign of a bacterial infection of the heart.
According to Healthline, blisters could be the result of forstbite, shingles, allergic eczema, and more. Regardless of the reason, you should consult your doctor when you see them.