
7 Pregnancy Reveal Ideas That Are Super Cute & Seriously Creative
In this day and age, it's difficult to find something new or unique that hasn't already been done a million times before. Announcing that you are expecting is no exception. For some, the last thing they want is an overdone idea for their special moment, but for others, the bigger the better. Luckily there are tons of cute pregnancy reveal ideas from creative parents and we're sharing some here with you. What's great about many of these is that you can still add a personal touch to make it all your own.
Whether you're chill and casual or extravagant and eclectic, there's something for everybody when it comes to revealing your pregnancy and announcing that you're adding to your family. It also doesn't matter if this is your first, second, or fifth child, either — each announcement can hold special meaning. In fact, many people include their older children in the reveal, which makes the moment all the more precious. One person, in particular, incorporated their fur baby as an honorary sibling.
One thing that's for sure, no matter how you decide to break the big news, there's no right or wrong way to do it. Don't let anyone take the shine away from your moment. Here are some cute pregnancy pregnancy reveal ideas that are anything but cheesy.
1Hire A Mini Messenger
"I wanted my son, who was 2 years old, to gingerly hand the test to my husband and tell him, 'Congratulations, Baba!' Instead, my son threw it at his head, hitting him straight on the mouth as he yelled, 'For you, Baba! Momma Pee!'" recalls Cat, 34.
Smooth move little one. Don't be surprised if this story makes it into the family history hall of fame.
2Honor The Past, Present, And Future
"When we found ourselves pregnant again, after a loss, we waited until 12 weeks to share the news. But, instead of posting only a picture, we posted about acknowledging our prior loss and the joy of being pregnant again," Jasmine tells Romper.
This can be a thoughtful way to let friends and family, who might be unsure how to react, know that it's OK for this to be a bittersweet time.
3Use Pop Culture Inspiration
I'm not going to even lie about how biased I am with this. My partner and I are huge Doctor Who fans, so we knew that we had to incorporate our shared love for this sci-fi classic in our announcement. Even if you're not familiar with the show, it's still obvious the message that we're trying to convey.
4Get Political
"I simply posted this picture," Lea tells Romper, when describing how she decided how to announce her pregnancy to her family and friends. You can certainly get creative with this one and personalize your message. Kudos to Lea for incorporating current politics into hers.
5Include Your Furry Family
This adorable idea from Desiree, 27, is absolutely perfect. Swap out the text for your own cute "job descriptions" for your pets.
6Make An Ode To Best Buddies
A twist on the typical, "I'm going to be a big sibling," photo announcement, this precious video from the Ross family creatively hints at, and eventually reveals, that a partner in crime is on the way.
7Send A Long Distance Message
"My brothers and I are very close and they knew we were struggling with fertility issues. They are first-time uncles and we had our first ultrasound done on Christmas Eve, so I FaceTimed them to let them know their Christmas gift was on the way but they wouldn't get it until summer. Obviously they were confused and that's when I said, 'I'm making you an uncle!'" Amy, 27, says.
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