
7 Lazy Girl Hacks For Getting Ready Without Showering
Okay, so there are a whole host of reasons why you many need to get ready without showering first. Maybe you know that showering too frequently can mess up your skin. Maybe you want to reign in your water consumption. Or maybe you totally planned to shower this morning, but then hit the snooze button a few too many times and you need to get out the door STAT. It happens! Whether you’re being environmentally conscious or just a bit lazy, there are easy ways to stay fresh sans suds.
And even as a shower aficionado, I can admit that sometimes turning on the tap is the last thing I want. There’s just so much to do, what with all the shaving and the exfoliating and pumice stone-ing. This reluctance can increase tenfold if hair washing is involved, because that seriously takes way too much effort some days. Add to this the time it takes to dry and style that hair, and the whole process feels like a gigantic chore.
However, my fellow lazy girls can rejoice: chances are, you really don’t need to shower all that often. With a few easy getting ready hacks, nobody will ever guess that you skipped a morning shower. But you’ll feel a little bit better for those extra twenty minutes of sleep.
1Spray Some Dry Shampoo
You can use dry shampoo to keep your hair fresh without a single drop of water. Just spritz or sprinkle it on, brush out your hair, and go.
2Swipe A Face Wipe
If you don't even have time to wash your face, then a quick scrub with a face wipe is the next best option. A couple swipes can get the oil off of your face and smooth out your complexion.
3Pat Down With A Towelette
So you can do a quick bird bath in the sink with a washcloth, or just grab a towelette and wipe down for the same effect. You can get fresh without a single bit of soap.
4Slab On The Deodorant
If nothing else, you'll probably want to freshen up your deodorant before heading out. Whether you use the traditional stick form or the spray kind, a little extra is probably a good idea.
5Sprinkle Some Body Powder
Now this might be crossing into the non-lazy territory, but a quick dusting of body powder can also help you smell great for the rest of the day. And if you get a scented version, it feels pretty luxurious to apply with a brush or puff.
6Dab On The Lotion
To keep dry skin at bay, slather on a nice lotion. Scented lotions can also provide you with a nice little pick-me-up.
7Spritz On The Perfume
A light misting of perfume or body spray can put the finishing touch on your shower-free freshening routine. A clean smelling fragrance such as Hermès Un Jardin Sur le Nil or Clean Shower Fresh will leave you feeling great all day.
Images: vadymvdrobot/Fotolia; Giphy (7)