7 Signs You Have A Hyperactive Brain, Because You Feel Like It Never Turns Off
Brain hyperactivity can make things seriously difficult for you. Even just productively making it through your day can sometimes be a challenge for a number of reasons. Your mind might race, it can be difficult to focus, you may be an A-plus procrastinator, or deal with certain mood disorders — the signs you have a hyperactive brain are varied and can affect you in many different ways. If you're dealing with a hyperactive brain, that doesn't necessarily mean that you have an adult form of ADHD or any other condition, necessarily, but some of the signs of a hyperactive brain can also be signs of diagnosable conditions and if you have any concerns about these sorts of signs or symptoms, you can certainly bring them up with your doctor so that they can hopefully determine if there's something that needs to be treated or not.
Even if there are signs that you have a hyperactive brain and you don't have any sort of condition — which is never a given — it might help you to better understand what you're dealing with and also, if needed, figure out what sorts of things you might be able to do to help you manage the signs or symptoms. If you suspect that you might have a hyperactive brain, keep an eye out for some general signs.
1You Struggle To Concentrate
Nearly everyone has difficulties with concentration and focus from time to time, so it, alone, certainly doesn't mean that your brain is definitely hyperactive, but it can potentially point to that. Healthline reported that struggles with concentration, particularly in a work setting, is one potential sign of hyperactivity in adults.
2You're Also Dealing With Anxiety
You may or may not think that hyperactivity and anxiety could be linked, but they actually could. In an article published on its website, Calm Clinic noted that while anxiety does not cause ADHD, it can cause hyperactivity. Also, ADHD and anxiety can sometimes go together. Speaking with your doctor or qualified mental health professional about this can help sort out what's going on and determine if you need treatment for both anxiety and ADHD or help you develop some techniques for dealing with symptoms.
3You're Struggling To Sleep
Everyone has that odd night where they find themselves tossing and turning, unable to sleep. Time reported that a study from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine researchers found that people with insomnia have more brain activity than those who sleep well. If you can't seem to sleep because there's always something else to think about, that could be a sign that you have a hyperactive brain.
4You Can't Remember Names Or Details Very Well
Names and details can sometimes be difficult to remember — far more difficult than remembering general ideas or the gist of a situation. That might be especially true if you're dealing with a hyperactive brain, as the previously-mentioned article from Healthline noted that having a hard time remembering names, numbers, and the like can be a sign of hyperactivity in adults.
5You're Dealing With Depression
A 2012 UCLA news release noted that many of the classic symptoms of clinical depression can include things like trouble focusing, anxiety, short attention spans, and more, and that university researchers found that these sorts of things might be connected to brain hyperactivity. If you're dealing with some of these signs and symptoms, you might want to speak with your healthcare provider to sort out what's going on and determine how to move forward.
6Your Attention Span Is Quite Short
Attention spans, too, can shift and change depending on the circumstances and the situation, but if you pretty consistently have a very short attention span, that could be another potential sign of hyperactivity in adults, as the aforementioned article from Healthline noted.
7Your Mind Races
It makes sense that you can't sleep if your brain is hyperactive. Health reported that HealthDay News noted that insomniacs often point to racing minds or brains that are always on for why they might not be able to sleep.
Even if you have all of these signs of a hyperactive brain — or even more — it doesn't necessarily mean that you have any diagnosable conditions, but if you're concerned about your hyperactivity or it's significantly impacting your life, speaking with your doctor about it is never a bad idea. Whether it's medical treatment or strategies for managing things, there are things you might be able to do to help.
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