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7 Signs Your Dog Is Overheated & Needs You To Act

by Steph Montgomery

As much fun as it is to enjoy the outdoors in the summertime, warm weather can be dangerous or even deadly for your dog. So if you plan to take your canine out and about with you when it's hot outside, you should definitely learn the signs your dog is overheated, as well as how to help them. It's not always obvious if your furry friend needs your help, so being as prepared as possible is step one in making sure everyone has a great time playing outside.

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, the summer months can make your dog miserable. If the weather outside feels hot to you, it definitely feels even hotter to your dog. To prevent overheating, the association recommends you not take your dog outside during the hottest times of the day, allow access to shade and cool water, and ask your veterinarian if you should give your pooch a summer hair cut to help them beat the heat. The American Veterinary Medical Association also reminds pet owns to never leave a dog unattended in a vehicle, as temperatures can reach unsafe levels in a matter of minutes.

According to the American Kennel Club (AKC) Canine Health Foundation, symptoms of heat exhaustion can come on quickly and be deadly if left untreated. Dogs can have a tendency to overdo things to the point of heat exhaustion in the summer, so you should watch your pet for signs of overheating like collapsing, fast breathing, red or blue gums, and vomiting. If your dog gets overheated, the Humane Society of the United States advises moving them to a cool place, letting them drink small amounts of water, and applying ice packs or cool water. As always, call your veterinarian if you think they need medical attention or their condition doesn't improve.

For more on these and other signs your dog is overheated, and what to do if it happens, read on:


According to the AKC Canine Health Foundation, panting is how dogs cool off. One sign of overheating in dogs is fast, noisy breathing or panting. The Humane Society of the United States notes that some breeds of dogs with short muzzles like pugs can have a particularly tough time in the summer, so if your dog snorts, breathes heavy, or pants in the heat or during your daily walk, it might be time to chill out in the shade to help them avoid heat exhaustion.


According to the AKC Canine Health Foundation, dogs don't know their own limits when it comes to fun in the sun, so they will run until they collapse, and by then it might be too late. They recommend making sure that your dog gets frequent breaks inside or in the shade, and with plenty of water to drink to avoid overheating.


While your dog might normally have a drooling problem, the Humane Society of the United States warns that excessive drooling after being outside or exercising in the summer might be a sign your dog is overheating.


According the AKC Canine Health Foundation, one sign of overheating in dogs is vomiting. If your dog is vomiting after being outside in the summer heat, dehydration can occur. recommends offering your dog small amounts of water and calling your veterinarian right away to seek treatment.


Your dog getting dehydrated can be particularly dangerous in the summer months. The AKC Canine Health Foundation notes that sunken eyes, a dry nose, and dry mouth can all be signs of dehydration. If your dog is dehydrated, check with your veterinarian to see if you should offer them water or a mixture of water and Pedialyte to help them rehydrate.

Red Or Blue Gums

According to the AKC Canine Health Foundation, an overheated dog might have red or blue gums or tongue. If your dog shows these signs, take them inside right away.

Loss Of Consciousness

If your dog passes out in the sun it's time to seek medical attention immediately, warns the Humane Society of the United States. A loss of conscious is a sign of heatstroke in dogs, which can be deadly.