7 Surprising Reasons You're Cold All The Time
Real talk: I’m one of those people who stays cold all the time. I bring a sweater to the movies, even in the middle of August. The dairy aisle of grocery stores is a source of dread. One office job in particular almost froze me out, and I might have hidden a space heater under my desk to surreptitiously thaw out. I always thought this was a simple fact of biology, but it turns out there are some surprising reasons you’re cold all the time.
Health issues, sleep habits, and even how much water you drink can all play a part in feeling cold to the bone every minute of every day. Some of the fixes are easy — just add more iron to your diet — while others would need a specialized plan of attack from your doctor. So if you suspect your constant chills may indicate a health problem instead of an over-ambitious air conditioner, it may be a good idea to chat with your healthcare professional. But if you’re sick of carrying a sweater with your wherever you go, then take notes. A few lifestyle tweaks might mean the difference between feeling comfortable and wearing a parka at the office — in July.
1You're Not Drinking Enough Water
As a piece in Time explains, dehydration can make you more sensitive to temperature changes. This is because adequate hydration can help you store heat more effectively. Also, drinking enough water may also help rev up your metabolism, which helps you feel more warm. So fill up that water bottle and sip away.
2You're Not Enough Fats
Self explains that people who don’t consume enough fats in their diet may feel cold frequently, as fats help with body temperature regulation. Try adding more avocados and nuts to your diet.
3You'e Blood Sugar Is Off Balance
NBC News notes that when your blood sugar levels get too low or too high, there is a chance you’ll feel more sensitive to the cold. If you suspect your constant frigidity is due to blood sugar imbalances, a visit to your physician might be a great way to address the problem at its source.
4You Have A Low Body Weight
According to Health, being underweight means your body may lack enough insulation to retain heat properly, which can also result in a slow metabolism. You and your doctor can work together to get you up to a target weight.
5You Suffer From Anemia
According to the Mayo Clinic, having cold hands and feet may be a symptom of iron-deficiency anemia. Foods such as red meat or green leafy vegetables are a great way to get more iron in your diet, but more serious cases of anemia should be looked into by a physician.
6You're Not Sleeping Enough
Feel extra chilly on days when you don’t get enough shut-eye? A study in the European Study of Applied Physiology found, sleep deprivation may cause alterations in thermoregulation and cause decreased body temperature. All the more reason to get to bed on time.
7 7. You Have Hypothyroidism
Increased sensitivity to cold temperatures may indicate an underactive thyroid, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. The thyroid is responsible for the hormones that regulate your metabolism and help regulate body temperature, as explained by Medical News Today. Your doctor can help determine whether a sluggish thyroid is the cause of your chills.
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