
7 Surprising Times You Should Go Commando
Sometimes less is more, and this idea applies to your daily wardrobe as well. What if you could just cut out an entire step when it comes to getting dressed for the day? Well, the surprising times you should go commando just might convince you to leave out one part of the wardrobe. Hey, anything that makes your morning routine quicker is great, right?
Although going without underwear can be a bold fashion choice, and it might remind you of certain stars in the mid-2000s, there are plenty of practical reasons to go without undies as well. For the most part, going commando can be a great choice for your health. "I often tell my patients to sleep without underwear, and some of them look at me like I have three heads," says Alyssa Dweck, M.D., co-author of V is for Vagina, in Shape. But there's no real reason you have to have a barrier down there, as Dr. Dweck further explained. Unless it's for your own comfort, wearing underwear is not always necessary. At least on occasion, letting everything breathe down there can be very, well, comfy. Here's a few reasons to consider freeing your nether regions whenever possible.
1When You Sleep
For many people, night time is ideal to get a little air down there. "You really need to let things breathe down below, and the best way to do that is at night when you go to bed," said Mary Rosser, Ph.D., M.D., in the New York Post. If you don't want to go full commando, loose pajama pants are fine.
2Any Time You Want To Prevent UTIs
Sometimes you just need to let everything air out. "It’s not good to always have the lady parts locked up," said gynecologist Donnica Moore, MD, in Health. "They need air like all other parts of your body." In fact, wearing panties all the time can let heat and sweat build up, increasing the potential for infections in that area, as Moore further explained.
3At The Gym
For plenty of people, running shorts or yoga pants are just more comfortable without undies, and that's perfectly fine. "As long as what you’re wearing is thick enough so you don’t get any bacteria that’s on a seat at the gym, (going commando) is sanitary," said OB/GYN Raquel Dardik in Greatist.
4After A Wax
Hey, no one wants to wriggle back into skinny jeans after a Brazilian wax. For you own comfort, wear a pair of baggy pants and go commando after a waxing appointment, as a waxing boutique owner explained in Woman's Day.
5When Cycling
Sure, you can pretty much wear whatever for those quick trips around the block. But if you're cycling for several miles in legit bike shorts, then skip the undies. Cycling shorts are designed to help manage friction and wick moisture away from your body, and wearing undies negates these benefits, according to Century Cycles. Let your technical shorts do their job.
6When You Want To Simplify Your Outfits
If you're trying to downsize your closet or just pack really lightly for an upcoming trip, consider ditching the unmentionables. This means you'll have less stuff to worry about overall, and it removes one extra step when getting dressed in the morning.
7In Fancy Dress
If you don't want to deal with underwear lines or shapewear on a big night out, then skip it together. Going without any underwear can give a sense of freedom to your event, after all. It's your own little secret.
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