
7 Things In The Nursery That Are Keeping Baby Up
Memes about sleepless nights with your infant will never get old because, as a new mom, you have permanent bags under your eyes. So, I totally don't blame you for looking for that magic formula that will help your baby and you get your Zs. Given that you might be a little sleep-deprived, you might not consider things in the nursery that are keeping baby up. Since it's already documented that any lights from computers, iPads, and other devices hinder sleep in adults, it's a no-brainer to keep these gadgets out of the nursery if you want your baby to have a restful sleep through the night. Sometimes accidents will happen, and you're going to leave your iPhone in your baby's nursery. It will be OK.
I'm in my 30s and I still have a hard time getting to sleep. White noise machines, blackout curtains, aromatherapy, crystals: I've tried them all. Through the years, I've found that I enjoy soothing sounds, like waves crashing on the beach, to get me into a good slumber. My point is, though I've outgrown the nursery, the conditions of my "bed chamber" is super important to my sleep. So, imagine how vital it is to a newborn, adjusting to sleeping outside the most warm, comfy, dark and cozy place: your womb. And consider the effect any of the following might have on your baby's sleep.
OK, you're a human being, not a thing, but you're the number one culprit of keeping your baby up at night. To help them sleep through the night (or fall asleep quicker when they wake up), Dr. Jodi Mindell told Parents to avoid rocking or feeding your baby to sleep. "Babies naturally wake up two to six times a night, which means that whatever you're doing to get them to sleep at bedtime, you'll need to do that same thing whenever he stirs," Mindell said. So, to help baby sleep through the night, avoid being in the nursery at the slightest stir.
It's also worth nothing that sleep training is not a one-size-fits all issue. The same article in Parents noted, "for the first six months or so you should go to your baby when she cries, so she knows you'll be there." So be sure to discuss sleep training with your physician.
2A Mobile
Especially bright tricked-out mobiles stimulate baby, reported Babble. So, in order to create a sleep-inducing environment, remove your baby's mobile at bedtime. You can always put it back when you want baby to chill, but not sleep.
3Bright Lights
Parents noted that dim, rather than bright lights are ideal for baby to get a good night's rest.
4Bouncy Seat With Flashing Lights
According to Babble, infants love bouncy seats for the cool vibrations that help keep them from getting "positional fatigue." But bouncy seats can have even more bling than your tricked-out mobile, so avoid bouncy seats with flashing lights that play music, because, Babble also noted, this will overstimulate baby and might cause fussiness. If you do purchase one of these types of bouncy seats, just keep it out of the nursery at bedtime. Like the saying goes, out of sight, out of mind.
5Inconsistent Or Disorganized Decor
WebMD claimed that babies are less likely to wake up and make a fuss when the decor in her nursery is organized in a way that your baby is familiar with. Sounds and sights should be the same as when your baby fell asleep sleep to all through the night.
6A Crib
The mommy blog, Precious Little Sleep pointed out in a post that in her experience, babies might not like sleeping in a crib, which she refers to as "huge and flat," and the opposite to the womb. So, consider not forcing the crib for sleep, at least until your baby is six months old. Talk to your pediatrician for other options.
7Green Or Blue Nightlights
According to Huffington Post, green or blue light frequencies inhibit melatonin in the brain. In other words, these lights trick the brain into thinking it's daytime, and baby won't want to go to sleep. You can also tape over the flashing blue or green lights on baby monitors and other devices to keep them hidden from your baby's view.