
7 Things That Happen To Your Brain When You Orgasm Every Day
A ton of really awesome things happen when you orgasm. From chemicals that are immediately released into your brain to the long term effects of those toe-curling sensations, orgasms are definitely something to be incorporate into your everyday. If you achieve relaxation, happiness, coziness, and less stress from just one orgasm, imagine the things that happen to your brain when you orgasm every day.
Sex educator and psychologist Laura Berman told Everyday Health that, during an orgasm, your brain is flooded with information from your psyche and from the nerves in your genital region. The millions of nerve endings located in and near your sex organs are what help to make you feel so good. When those nerve endings are stimulated successfully, your nerves send messages to your brain. Coincidentally, it the same part of your brain that activates when you eat something delicious. Now just imagine how delightful your brain would feel if you activated that part of your brain every single day.
If there's one surefire way to improve your day to day experience, according to the following seven things that happen to your brain when your orgasm, I think it's safe to say that having an orgasm a day will certainly help keep the blues, anxiety, stress, insomnia, and forgetfulness away.
1Your Memory Expands
A 2014 study by the University of Maryland found that people who have sex often actually grow brain cells. When your brain cells grow, you become smarter, and your memory increases. Bring on those orgasms, please.
2Your Stress Levels Go Down
Sexologist Beverly Whipple cites a study by Carol Rinkleib Ellison in her book The Orgasm Answers Guide, which found that 39 percent of women who masturbate do it in order to relax. Whipple says this is all because of oxytocin. In her book, she says, that oxytocin "is released from the nerve cells in the hypthalamus into the bloodstream," lowering your levels of stress almost instantaneously.
3You'll Want To Have More Sex
Behavioral neuroscientist Barry Komisaruk, Ph.D. and coauthor of The Orgasm Answer Guide, told BuzzFeed that when you orgasm, your nucleus accumbens (the reward center of the brain) gets a flood of dopamine, which rewards you for your orgasm. When it's activated during sexual encounters, it's possible that you'll want to have even more sex, as that dopamine acts as an addictive substance.
4You'll Be More Relaxed
In the same interview, Komisaruk told Buzzfeed that there is a rapid cooling off period in the brain after an orgasm, which for men, coincides with the refractory period. On top of the cooling off that your brain experiences, neurochemicals like oxytocin, endorphins, and dopamine, all contribute to your body's relaxation.
5You'll Sleep Better
According to Self, some researchers and sex therapists theorize that the release of some neurochemicals during an orgasm, like endorphins, can have a sedative effect, easing your descent into sleep.
6You Give Your Hypothalamus A Workout
Kosmisaruk also told Buzzfeed that in the moments leading up to an orgasm, your hypothalamus is activated. When your heart races, your pupils dilate, and your breath gets heavy — all thanks to your hypothalamus. Way to flex, brain muscles.
7You Give Your Brain A Break
When you orgasm, you temporarily lose control. Everyday Health reported on a recent study from the University of Gronigen in the Netherlands that found that "when men and women reach orgasm, the lateral orbitofrontal cortex temporarily shuts down." The lateral orbitofrontal cortex is the part of your brain that's responsible for behavior control. When it shuts down, you temporarily let go, and give yourself a break. Bonus.