
7 Incredible Times Barack Obama Completely Melted Our Hearts
There are a lot of responsibilities that go into being the President of the United States. Leadership and intelligence are key, as is the ability to be diplomatic and discerning. But nobody ever said the POTUS also had to be funny or entertaining. That’s where one commander-in-chief went overboard during his time in office and here are seven incredible times President Barack Obama melted our hearts into a puddle.
Obama was one of the most genuine, relatable leaders in recent history, and his time in office gave his supporters a lot to be thankful for. But even for those who may not have gotten behind him politically, it was hard to deny that it was interesting to watch him interact with people. From children, to supporters, to his family, Obama always seemed relaxed and approachable. In fact, Forbes ranked him as the most approachable of the 15 candidates running in the 2008 presidential election at the time, while also noting that 26 percent of voting age people polled found Obama engaging (just 3 percent found him cold).
Now that's not the reason why a person gets elected into office. But if we have to watch somebody for four to eight years, it's much more enjoyable to have a charismatic person at the helm — and here are several times when Obama gave us all the feels.
When He Gushed About His Wife On Their Anniversary...
Obama often takes to social media to declare his love for his wife Michelle. On their 26th anniversary, in October 2018, he tweeted out his thoughts, writing: “Happy Anniversary @MichelleObama. For 26 years, you’ve been an extraordinary partner, someone who can always make me laugh, and my favorite person to see the world with.”
... & Again On Her Birthday
Not one to let even a single celebration of his wife Michelle pass by without declaring his love, Obama went to Instagram this time in January 2019 to share a cute pic of the two of them in younger years. Alongside the photo, he wrote, “I knew it was back then and I’m absolutely convinced of it today – you’re one of a kind, @MichelleObama. Happy Birthday!”
When He Sung His Heart Out...
While hosting a musical night with performing legends at the White House in 2012, Obama was urged to take the mic for a few bars by B.B. King, according to White House archives. Singing is nerve-wracking even when it’s just a karaoke machine, but to put your skills on display in front of artists like Jeff Beck, B.B. King, and Mick Jagger is a real feat. Nonetheless, Obama accepted the proffered mic and sang a bit of “Sweet Home Chicago” for the delighted crowd.
…And Danced With Santa
At the National Christmas Tree lighting ceremony in 2014, Obama went through the crowded stage giving handshakes and hugs to the celebrity participants. When he got to Santa, the music was starting up again and the president got his dance on for a few seconds. Santa joined in, making one of the funniest sights ever in presidential history, IMHO.
When He Read A Classic To The Kids...
For the White House Easter Egg Roll in 2016, Obama was joined by Michelle to read the kids a story, according to Marie Claire. They chose the classic Where The Wild Things Are and didn’t just read it — they acted it out. To see the POTUS engaging with kids in this way is heartwarming indeed.
When He Expressed His Love To His Own Kids...
For Father’s Day 2017, Michelle Obama posted on Twitter a sweet message about his relationship with his two girls, Malia and Sasha.
Obama wrote back, “Of all that I’ve done in my life, I’m most proud to be Sasha and Malia’s dad. To all those lucky enough to be a dad, Happy Father’s Day!” Considering all that he has done in his life, it’s a telling message indeed.
... & Any Moment With Kids
There really is an endless supply of cute interactions between Obama and children. This moment, when he posed with a miniature Superman just before a 2016 White House trick-or-treat event pretty much encapsulates the president’s ability to connect with people of any age. According to Teen Vogue, the lucky superhero is Walker Earnest, the son of White House press photographer Josh Earnest.
So while leading the free world, Obama still found plenty of opportunities to melt our hearts by taking a moment for people. It’s certainly inspiring, and makes me hope he'll be around in the public eye for a long time to come.