
My First Post-Baby Haircut Made Me Feel Like Me
I had my baby in January. In Canada. I tried to get out and about with him but, damn, it's cold here. So, after a couple of months I was feeling like a grouchy bear who woke up early from hibernation (and looked like one, too). I had sprouted new baby hairs all around my temple. The texture of my hair completely changed, from straight to loose curls. After 40 weeks (more or less) of avoiding hair dye, I also had more than a few gray hairs. Thankfully, my first postpartum haircut made me feel like myself again, even after all of these natural changes had taken their toll and I had spent a significant amount of time inside with a newborn baby.
Furthermore, and like many new moms, I was also experiencing some postpartum hair loss. Every time I brushed or washed my hair I was shedding more and more strands. While I was used to change thanks to pregnancy, labor, and delivery, continuous change after my baby was born wasn't necessarily helping me feel like myself. Plus, I was already sporting the new mom hair look of choice: a messy bun or hastily scraped ponytail.
It wasn't just my hair, though. I had become what felt like something of a mom cliché, wearing nothing but yoga pants and baggy shirts. In short, I wasn't looking or feeling anything like myself and something needed to change. So, in the end, that first salon appointment meant everything.
It Gave Me Time To Myself
Being away from my baby for just one morning was exactly the break I didn't even know I needed. It felt like I was free after months of always holding and caring for another person, so it was a relief to only worry about myself (even if it was just for an hour or two).
It Gave Me A Chance To Catch Up With My Friends
While my hair color was developing, I texted and emailed the friends I had been neglecting since my baby arrived. We fell back into our easy banter and a quick succession of messages had me laughing and remembering all our little inside jokes.
It Gave Me The Chance To Read A Magazine
An entire morning uninterrupted by my baby's cries or needs? Yeah, I was able to flick through magazines leisurely and catch up on all my celebrity gossip. Bliss.
It Gave Me A Chance To Be Pampered
For once, someone was taking care of my needs and washing my hair and asking me if I was OK. Moms, and especially new moms, are always thinking about and caring for someone else. So,honestly, it is refreshing to have someone take care of us instead.
I Was Able To Enjoy A Glass Of Wine
When I arrived at the salon, they asked me if I would like a drink. The choices were tea, coffee, or wine. Yeah, that was definitely one of life's easier choices. Sitting back and watching my reflection slowly change from frazzled to relaxed, with a glass of wine in my hand, was amazing.
I looked More Like Myself
As the stylist brushed and dried my hair back into something resembling an actual style, I saw myself emerge. Not just a new an exhausted mom, but me. The rest of me before I became a mom.
It Gave Me Confidence
I strutted out of the salon feeling sexy and confident. I wasn't just a "frumpy" mom anymore. I was back.