

8 Harmful Myths About Infertility

by Autumn Jones

Unless you're a medical professional, it can be difficult to tell which information about infertility is true and which isn't. Add in the many myths about infertility floating around, and the truth becomes even more murky. Although some people may think they're offering helpful advise or encouragement to someone when they're trying to get pregnant, there are certain myths about infertility that do more harm than good. These are the particular myths than cause more than just confusion, but lead to hurt feelings, subtle shaming, and misdirection for conceiving.

As the website for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explained, "pregnancy is the result of a process that has many steps." When one of these steps (from ovulation to fertilization) does not take place, no baby is made. The reasons for disruptions in the steps to becoming pregnant is a medical condition linked to the reproductive system of both males and females and has nothing to do with having a negative attitude or having sex a certain way. Struggling to conceive is emotionally difficult enough on it's own, the added weight of false information only makes matters worse. Be sure to avoid believing (or passing on) these myths about infertility that create more harm than help.

Myth #1: Women Of a Certain Age Are Infertile

Turning 35 has comes with a bad reputation, as far as fertility is concerned. Although it's true that the ability to conceive may become more challenging after the age of 35, a woman's fertility changes throughout her life and problems becoming pregnant can occur at any age, as the website for the National Infertility Support and Information Group.

Myth #2: Endometriosis Causes Infertility

It's true that endometriosis can be a cause of infertility, having this condition doesn't automatically mean you will have infertility issues. Even though endometriosis is diagnosed in 45 percent of infertility cases, laparoscopic surgery has up to an 84 percent success rate, according to Baby Center.

Myth #3: The Pill Can Make You Infertile

The pill is meant to stop ovulation from happening each month, and some say taking the pill for too long makes this habit stick long after you stop taking the pill. But there is no truth in this rumor. As The Bump pointed out, ovulation will return within a few weeks of quitting the pill.

Myth #4: Tight Undies Lowers Sperm Count

You don't need to loose any sleep over the boxer versus briefs debate, because what a man wears under his jeans has no relevance to infertility. Reader's Digest reported that researchers at the State University of New York at Stony Brook discovered that underwear type has no significance on male fertility.

Myth #5: Stress Causes Infertility

Saying stress causes infertility infers the couple is to blame, which couldn't be further from the truth. According to Resolve, The National Infertility Association's website, infertility is a condition of the reproductive system and not the result of stress.

Myth #6: STDs Don't Affect Infertility

Depending on the STD, symptoms and long lasting effects can vary, but leaving this condition untreated is linked to fertility troubles. According to the website for CNN, an untreated STD can cause reproductive issues that lead to infertility for both men and women.

Myth #7: Infertility Is A Female Problem

Placing the blame on just one sex is more than wrong, it's totally inaccurate. Infertility problems are equal among both men and women, and in some cases are a combination of both partners, as the National Infertility Support and Information Group explained.

Myth #8: Infertility Isn't Common

It's easy to feel like everyone and their sister is easily becoming pregnant when you are struggling to conceive, but you are not alone in this situation. According to Parents, one in every 10 couples have problems with infertility.