
photo of mom breastfeeding baby while on her phone looking at online breastfeeding support groups
Kelsey Calendas
8 Online Breastfeeding Support Groups You Can Count On Even At 3 A.M.

by Kinsey Gidick
Originally Published: 

As any mom will tell you, breastfeeding can be a rather surreal experience. One day your child is safely protected inside of you and the next you’re the sole source of nourishment for a tiny helpless human. Especially if this is your first child, you're bound to have a million questions and concerns: Am I doing this right? Is my baby getting enough milk? Why does this hurt so much? But the reality is, you don't have to go it alone. Online breastfeeding support groups are here for you and here's the great news: There are lots to choose from.

Of course, when it comes to medical concerns, nothing beats an in-person appointment with a lactation consultant or doctor (or even a Skype session). But those experts can be pricey and aren't usually available during those 3 a.m. nursing sessions when you're utterly exhausted (but your brain is running a million miles an hour). In these instances especially, finding an online community with firsthand experience can be a lifesaver. Whether you’re looking for nursing bra recommendations, a group of people to commiserate with, or you just want to know how other moms have handled nursing hiccups, these forums and websites have all kinds of topics and discussions for people to find assistance and an interested group of peers going through the same thing.

1La Leche League International Breastfeeding Support Facebook Group

Alain DENANTES/Gamma-Rapho/Getty Images

If you’re a new mama looking for emotional support with nursing, La Leche League’s Breastfeeding Support Facebook Group is a great resource. This private parent-to-parent group (you must request membership) has specific rules to ensure that all conversation stays focused on helping each member reach their breastfeeding goals. People who go off topic aren’t allowed.

2What to Expect Forum

The What to Expect brand is entirely dedicated to guiding parents through every step of pregnancy and beyond so naturally, the site has loads of resources regarding breastfeeding... but one of the best is its Breastfeeding Forum. With over 100K members and 40K topics of discussion, you'll likely find answers to all your nursing questions, no matter how niche.

3BabyandBump Breasfeeding Forum

Like Reddit but for pregnancy and childcare, BabyandBump is a huge forum site with dozens and dozens of threads. Naturally, there’s a chat section all about breastfeeding designed as a place where parents can offer up hacks and advice on nursing, expressing, and milk storage, and a place to go for moral support. To join, simply fill out the sign-up page.

4The Bump Message Boards

Viktorcvetkovic/E+/Getty Images

What did moms do before the internet? It's hard to imagine. Especially when it comes to seeking out answers on tricky breastfeeding questions. Another great resource is The Bump’s Breastfeeding Message Board. Covering topics as broad as “baby burping on breast” to “pump advice,” moms can feel comfortable bringing any topic to this table.

5Dairy Queens Breastfeeding Support

Sometimes talking about nursing topics can be embarrassing. For those looking for a safe space filled with empathetic moms, check out Dairy Queens. This Facebook support group is private and women-only and follows strict-conversation positive guidelines. For instance, all Dairy Queens must adhere to a rule requiring language to be kept PG: “If it’s not okay for a child, it is not okay in our groups. Be polite and courteous when posting. Remember: Tone is hard to read online. Think before you post.”


miodrag ignjatovic/E+/Getty Images

Mothering is a website focused on "exploring natural and eco-conscious living." Here you'll find message boards dedicated to exploring birth and medical choice, breastfeeding, attachment parenting, gentle discipline, educational alternatives, healthy eating and green products with that in mind.


BabyCenter, a website dedicated to providing resources to parents, hosts many different forums but Breastfeeding Support and Help is where to start. With over a million comments, it's filled with threads to explore and post your own questions, especially when in person contact with other nursing moms isn't possible.


Ok, so MadeforMums is a British chat site, but why should that stop anyone from joining the discussion. It was created by "a small group of (mostly mum) journalists, who want to create a top-notch online home for mums, mums-to-be and anyone who is trying to start a family" and has all kinds of frank topics like the all important "Pumping breast milk - am I doing this right?"

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