

8 Reasons Why New Year's Eve Is The Best For New Moms

by Steph Montgomery

I am seriously looking forward to New Year's Eve this year, and not just because I want 2017 can die in a fire. I am actually excited to spend New Year's Eve with my baby. You might question my logic, and that's fair, but trust me when I say there are so many reasons why New Year's Eve is the best for new moms.

Gone are my days of partying all night on Dec. 31, but that doesn't mean I have to miss out on the festivities entirely. Having a baby means that, if I want, I have an iron-clad excuse to stay home in my pajamas and eat pizza instead of spending lots of money on an over-the-top celebration or braving crowds of probably drunk people. If I do choose to attend a low-key gathering or dinner out, babies are super portable (at least most of the time). And if I want to toast in the New Year with a glass of champagne, it will probably only take one to make me feel oh-so merry, because new moms are total lightweights when it comes to drinking alcohol.

As a new mom, I can count on being up at midnight to see the ball drop, and probably every two hours after that, too. And on New Year's Day everyone will look as tired as this new mom does, so I will fit right in. For these, and so many other reasons, I can't wait to say goodbye to 2017 and welcome the new year with my baby.

Because You Can Stay Home Guilt Free

I'm not really a fan of crowds, and the peer pressure to show up to parties and social gatherings this time of year can be intense. But as a new mom, I'm off the hook. I can say: "Oh, so sorry. I simply can't. We don't have a sitter," and, "I'm afraid I have to stay home with baby, he's too little to be left with someone else," or even "I'm too tired."

If you don't want to leave the house, you can play the new mom card. Even your child-free friends will probably understand.

Because You'll Probably Be Up At Midnight Feeding The Baby Anyway

Yeah, if your baby isn't sleeping through the night, you should take advantage of the whole sleep deprivation situation and post a New Year greeting before any of your friends. Since you are already awake, you might as well check out the ball dropping in Times Square, and maybe even reminisce about New Year's past that didn't involve diaper changes or midnight feedings.

Because If You Want To Go Out, Newborns Are Portable

Courtesy of Steph Montgomery

That said, if you love New Year's gatherings and have an invite for one that's low-key, or want to hit a restaurant early in the evening, you can probably bring your baby with you. Just pop them in a baby carrier or bring along a portable crib. You only get to enjoy a few months of freedom before they're mobile, so take advantage of your cute potato while they are easy to take with you.

Because Having Your Baby Before The End Of The Year Has It's Benefits

The practical part of me remembers how much it sucked to be pregnant across two calendar years (twice), and to have to start my health insurance deductible all over again at the start of a brand new year. Plus, having a baby before midnight on Dec. 31 means a tax credit and an adorable deduction (at least while the IRS is still functioning, that is).

Because You Only Need One Glass Of Champagne

It never really occurred to me how low my tolerance to alcohol would be after nine (more or less) months of not drinking. Seriously, you guys, as a new mom, I can get drunk off of one beer, cocktail, or glass of champagne.

Because Everyone Else Will Look As Tired As You Do The Next Day

When people post their New Year selfies at 2:00 a.m., or join us for brunch the next day, they'll all look as exhausted as I do. I will literally fit in with the crowd, which is a nice change of pace from being the only person who looks unbelievable exhausted. And if I learn my new limits with regard to alcohol, I won't be the one with a hangover. #Winning

Because You Have The Cutest Date Ever

When you are a new mom on New Year's you clearly have the cutest date ever. Be sure to take lots of pictures of that precious baby ringing in the new year. By next year, they will have learned how to use noise makers and may not be as cute.

Because You Have Baby Toes To Kiss At Midnight

If my husband is still awake, I may give him a midnight smooch after we finally say goodbye to 2017. But if my husband isn't awake, I know I have baby toes to kiss. I know you're jealous.

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