
8 Shocking Things It Means For Your Health If You Wake Up At The Same Hour Every Night

by Lindsay E. Mack

For many people, getting a full night's sleep feels kind of impossible. Even if you drift off easily, sometimes your body decides to wake up in the middle of the night. As it turns out, if you wake up around the same hour every night, then this habit may have a lot to say about your health. Whether it's time to change some daily habits or get a checkup from your doc, there are many ways to address these health concerns and rest more soundly each night.

It's worth investigating the reasons your sleep gets disturbed, because sleep can have such an impact on your quality of life. "Sleep is important as a major component of good health. A lack of sleep, or a poor quality of sleep, can sabotage a person’s health goals and impair their safety," said Brendan Duffy, registered polysomnographic technologist, in the Sleep in America poll. Because sleep is so important for the rest of your health, it's worth prioritizing.

If you're having sleep issues, then consider investigating them for the sake of your health. Most of the conditions listed here are treatable with the direction of a doctor or therapist, and in some cases you may only need to change some daily habits. Read on to learn about the health issues that may be related to your interrupted sleep schedule, as well as some ways to address them.

1Sleep Maintenance Insomnia

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If you have no problems drifting off, but almost always wake up in the middle of the night, then this may describe your dilemma. As it turns out, this form of insomnia, known as sleep maintenance insomnia, is one of the most common sleep disturbances in the United States, according to Harvard Health Publishing. Following basic sleep hygiene tips may help improve this issue, as explained in Bustle. But if it feels like you've already tried everything, then consider speaking to your doctor for advice.

2Stomach Troubles

Plenty of people wake in the night with stomach pain. In fact, everything from ulcers to acid reflux may be worse at night, due to the fact that people lie still and go without food for so many hours, according to Medical News Today. If stomach issues wake you more than once a week, or interfere with your daily sleep habits, then definitely see a doctor for help.


Waking up too early with a ton of worries on your mind is also common. In fact, anxiety disorders can lead to sleep disorders, and in turn interrupted sleep can make anxiety symptoms worse, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. It's a cycle. To help, there are plenty of ways to relax your mind and ease into sleep, according to Elite Daily. But if that doesn't do the trick, then consider seeing a doctor or therapist for help with your anxiety and sleep issues.


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Although depression can make you feel super tired, it doesn't necessarily help your sleep habits. In actuality, depression and sleep issues also have a reciprocal relationship. People with depression often experience issues with insomnia, and people with insomnia have a high risk of developing depression, according to the National Sleep Foundation. Fortunately, both of these concerns can be treated. Consider getting help from a trusted doctor or therapist to untangle the issues of sleep troubles and depression.

5Urination Problems

Are you up every night dashing to the bathroom? Waking up at night to urinate, AKA nocturia, is common in healthy adults, according to Orlando Health. If you have to get up once at night to urinate, especially after drinking a lot of fluid the night before, then this is generally not cause for concern. However, sometimes nocturia can be caused by untreated diabetes or issues with the bladder, as explained in the Cleveland Clinic. Definitely speak with your doctor if you have any concerns about nocturia in terms of your health, especially if it's waking you up several times each night.

6Diabetes Symptoms

Sleep difficulties are also common in people with diabetes. Waking up at night feeling thirsty, shaky, or hungry may be associated with symptoms of diabetes, according to the Joslin Diabetes Center. If you suspect this may be the case, then speak with your doctor about treatment options so you can rest easier at night.

7Sleep Apnea

Waking repeatedly in the night is often a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea, a condition in which the upper passages of the airway close off, according to WebMD. The sleeper may wake up several times in the course of one evening. To get diagnosed with sleep apnea, your doctor may recommend getting a sleep study.

8Drinks Before Bed

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Although a nightcap might help you drift off, it doesn't always contribute to a good night's sleep. After consuming alcohol, it's common for a person to wake up in the middle of the night, according to the National Sleep Foundation. Often, the person feels less rested and more groggy from this type of sleep. To ensure a good night's sleep, it's best to avoid drinking alcohol about 2 to 3 hours before bedtime, according to Very Well Health. Although there are plenty of things that can disrupt sleep, it's possible to change up your habits or get help from a doctor. A full night's rest is likely well within your reach.