
8 Fun Things To Put In Birthday Party Goodie Bags Besides *More* Sugary Stuff
Looking to fill your child's birthday party goodie bags with items other than sugary candy? Line up here. These days, parents are rightly searching for alternatives to candy in goodie bags, despite the fact that giving out a birthday party goodie bag in the first place is a bit of a divisive topic. Full disclosure, I'm not such a big fan. The added expense, impact on the environment and the expectation for a child to receive something when they're attending a party for someone else just seems off to me. That said, I don't see the practice going away anytime soon, and at the very least, I'd like to not be a contributing factor to a future dentist bill for my children's friends.
With birthday cake, cupcakes, juice boxes, and who knows what else being served at the party, the sugar quotient is filled already, so thinking outside the box when it comes to those controversial goodie bags is necessary. Consider the age range of your party guests, items that work well for both boys and girls, or even choosing just one item as a birthday party favor, as suggested on Mommy Poppins. On theme or not, don't over-think this aspect of your child's party. Goody bags can be as easy as you make them.