
8 Thoughts Every Mom Has When She Posts A Picture Of Her Kid On Social Media
There's no denying that social media has become a big part of both our professional and personal lives. It also evolves to suit us and our needs as we grow and, well, evolve also. While we were once just taking selfies, posting pictures of our dinners and using social media to date (although, parents still do all of those things, make no mistake) us moms are now using our feeds to post pictures of our kids, too. So, just like someone posting a picture of their puppy is going to be thinking a thing or two, there are thoughts every mom has when she posts a picture of her kid on social media, too. I mean, we may not all be enjoying (or getting through) the same life experiences, but we're still all in this together.
What a mother is or isn't willing to share about her personal life online, family included, is entirely up to her (as it should be). I have friends online who are posting pictures every few hours it feels like, and are more than happy to take us along on whatever personal journey they're experiencing and/or enjoying. I have other friends, however, who don't post much at all, and feel uncomfortable sharing photos of their kid. Like any other parenting choice I say, to each their own. Refusing to share a picture of your kid on the internet doesn't automatically make you paranoid, and posting pictures every two minutes doesn't automatically make you careless.
However, if you're one of those millennial mothers who don't mind sharing adorable pictures of your kid on the internet, I have a feeling there are a few thoughts that go through your head the moment you hit "post." Like I said, we're all in this together.
"Nobody Better Be Swiping These Pictures Without My Permission"
Look, the fear is real. Our generation was the first to really grow up in the "internet era," and it's been engrained in us from a very young age to be weary of people on the internet. We know there are "bad people," out there, and we want to protect our children as best we can; in the real world and on the internet.
Still, there are things you can do to make sure your social media account is secure and the only people who can see what you post are people you know and/or approve of. So really, this fear is more residual than anything else. If you take the right precautions (and they're really easy to take these days) you don't have too much to be worried about.
"This Picture Better Get All The Likes"
No, but seriously. This picture is perfect and my baby is perfect and there is no reason why this can't haul in oh, I don't know, at least 50 Facebook likes. Come on now, people. Do the right thing and pay your respects.
"Wow, My Kid Looks Exactly Like Me..."
Maybe it's the filter or maybe it's just the ability to truly sit back and stare at a picture of your kid's face, but sometimes it takes you posting a picture of your child on the internet to realize that they look just like you. It's so cool. I mean, there's this little mini-you that you made. So awesome.
"...Oh, No Wait. Yeah, They Look Just Like Their Other Parent. Ugh."
Yeah, just kidding. They look just like your partner. You did all the work, growing them inside your body and either pushing or having them cut out of you, and they look like your partner. What in the world is that about, huh science?!
"This One Could Win A Contest, I Won't Lie"
It's absolute hubris, I know, but don't lie and pretend like you haven't posted a picture of your kid and thought, "They're the next Gerber baby, the world just doesn't know it yet." Now, whether or not you submit photos of your kid for those baby contests is entirely up to you and, again, to each their own. However, I am pretty confident in assuming that every single parent looks at a picture of their kid and thinks, "I could so make some money off of that adorable, perfect face."
"This One Will Have To Be Send To The Grandparents That Refuse To Get A Damn Facebook"
Oh, our beloved parents. On the one hand, it was probably for the best (especially in our pre-baby years) that they weren't on social media to witness all of our shenanigans. However, now that we're parents, it sure would be nice if they got online so they could see all the pictures we're posting and we wouldn't have to either email them (if they even have email) or spend money on postage. Get it together, grandma!
"I'm Not Even Sorry That This Is The Third Picture I've Posted In About An Hour"
Whether I'm simply posting a picture of my daughter looking precious, or I'm bragging about her latest accomplishment, I'm honestly not sorry. I know that so many parents get a bunch of flack for posting endless pictures of their kids but, honestly, if I have to sit through countless pictures of someone's lunch, they can deal with my kid's adorable face.
My daughter is part of my life now, and social media is my way of sharing my life with my family and friends. So, yeah, you're going to see pictures of my kid. You'll survive, I promise.
"Alright, Sometimes Social Media Is The Best"
Social media gets the short end of the reputation stick, usually thanks to Baby Boomers and the Gen X crowd, who just don't understand it and/or how to use it. Still, when you can share a picture of your kid and another member of your family on the opposite end of the country can see it instantaneously, you can't deny that social media is pretty awesome. My family members, both far and wide, can watch my daughter learn and grow and thrive and evolve and that, my friends, is wonderful.