

9 First Trimester Red Flags To Keep An Eye On

by Angela Johnson

Pregnancy causes a number of changes to occur in a woman's body. A tiny human is growing inside of you, which means you are bound to experience some physical symptoms that are completely new to you — especially in the first few months. Although some of these changes are perfectly normal, there are others you might want to talk to your doctor about to make sure it isn't something more serious. If worrying about your unusual pregnancy symptoms is keeping you up at night, you should know about the first trimester red flags you shouldn't ignore.

The first trimester is a critical time for your baby's development. As Pregnancy magazine mentioned, your baby will go from an embryo to a fully formed fetus during the first 12 weeks. And whether it's your first pregnancy or your fourth, expectant mothers are usually on high alert for anything that might seem out of the ordinary.

It's not uncommon for women to experience bleeding, nausea, and abdominal pain during this time of the pregnancy. But if your symptoms last for several days or occur along with other symptoms such as a high fever or excessive vomiting, don't be afraid to consult your doctor. You may find out that everything is OK, but a little caution can help ensure that you have a healthy, happy baby. So don't hesitate to call your doctor if you notice any of the following red flags (or just any symptoms that concern you. Remember, you have to do what's best for you and baby.)

1You're Bleeding And Cramping


According to Fit Pregnancy, nearly 25 percent of women experience bleeding during their first trimester. However, if you are experiencing cramping along with that bleeding, you should alert your doctor, as it could be a sign of a miscarriage.

2You Suffer Excessive Nausea


It's not uncommon to deal with morning sickness during your pregnancy. But if your nausea and vomiting are extreme, you might want to call your doctor. As WebMD mentioned, if your vomiting lasts for more than 12 hours or you are dehydrated, you should let your doctor know.

3You Run A High Fever

According to The Bump, expectant mothers are more prone to colds and fevers as your body works to protect you and your baby. But if your fever lasts longer than 24 hours, you should let your doctor know.

4You Have Abdominal Pain


Some abdominal pain is common during pregnancy, as your body makes room for baby. However, the American Pregnancy Association (APA) noted that if you experience sharp pain on one side only, you should seek medical attention right away, as it could be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy.

5You Go Through Mood Swings

With all of the physical, emotional, and hormonal changes going on in your body, it's perfectly normal to feel anxious and even a little bit sad during your pregnancy. According to the APA, most expectant mothers experience mood swings in the first trimester and again during the third trimester. If your mood swings last longer than two weeks without improvement, you should ask your doctor to refer you to a counselor who is trained to help you.

6Your Urine Is Dark


Fit Pregnancy noted that infrequent urination or dark urination with an odor, your doctor needs to know, as it could be a sign of dehydration.

7Your Gums Bleed

Good oral hygiene is particularly important throughout your pregnancy. Pregnancy leaves women more susceptible to gingivitis (blame those pesky hormones). If you are experiencing bleeding gums, you should schedule a visit with your dentist. If left untreated, gingivitis can lead to more serious gum disease. According to Parents, women with gum disease are eight times more likely to deliver babies prematurely.

8You Have Leg Pain

Andrey Popov/Fotolia

As your pregnancy progresses, you may experience joint pain. And while the pain is not uncommon, it shouldn't be ignored. As Parents mentioned, pregnancy makes women six times more likely to experience blood clots in the veins of the legs, as a result of changes in hormones. If you are experiencing pain in only one leg or notice any pain, redness, or swelling in the area, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.

9You Experieince Pain While Peeing


You already know that being pregnant means having to know exactly where the nearest bathroom is at all times. But if you are experiencing any pain or burning during urination, you should let your doctor know as soon as possible. According to WebMD, that pain can be a sign of a bladder or urinary tract infection, which can lead to pre-term birth.