9 Fun Ways To Celebrate Your Mom On Mother's Day
A mother's love is truly incomparable to any other love that you'll ever experience. Whether her love was displayed by kissing your boo-boos or making your favorite dish when you came home from college, moms always know exactly what to do to make the situation better. If you're mother has done all this — and more — for you, what better way to honor her than finding fun ways to celebrate your mom on Mother's Day.
For me, my mom has always gone above and beyond to make sure my siblings and I were taken care of. Even now that I'm a 20-something, my mom still asks me if I ate, if I need a wake up call in the mornings, and if I have gas money. Not to mention, she's still the first person I call as soon as I feel even the smallest hint of a cold coming on. My sister, who is now also a mom, is a very close second when it comes to all of the above and a secure second pick when my mom isn't answering her phone.
Regardless of who plays the role of Mom in your life, she deserves to be celebrated in a unique way on Mother's Day. These nine ideas can help you give her the most memorable one yet.
1A Mother-Daughter Picnic
Though my mom isn't a fan of the outdoors like I am, planning a picnic for an hour or two could be a great way to celebrate Mother's Day with your favorite lady.
2Video Tribute
Got enough pictures of mom hanging around? Throw them together with a few sappy video messages from you, your siblings, and their kids (if there are any). She's guaranteed to pour tears from this one.
3Have A Karaoke Day With Nothing But Mom Related Songs
Though none of us can hold a good note in my family, we all love music. Choose all the mom related songs like Tupac's "Dear Mama" or Boyz II Men's "A Song For Mama" and give it the revamp of a lifetime with your imperfect vocals.
4Send Her On A Scavenger Hunt
Moms love gifts. It's a fact. And they love being made to feel like their kids genuinely appreciate them and want them to have a good life. So gather your siblings and put your brains together to send mom on the ultimate scavenger hunt to help her find her gift this year.
5Create Her Favorite Vacation Destination At Home
My mom doesn't get to travel as much as she'd like nowadays. So instead of trying to scrape together your coins for a vacation you can't afford, bring the destination to her. Whip up dishes from her favorite country, or crank the heat and lay out some sand for a beach getaway.
6Make A Collaborative Playlist
I don't know about your mom, but my mom is always up on what's new and hot when it comes to music. Make your mom the coolest playlist ever by mixing her favorite songs and your favorite songs together.
7Make Breakfast, Lunch, Or Dinner
Even though cooking breakfast, lunch, or dinner may not be on your mom's daily list of activities, doing one of the three for her is sure to make her day super special. And if you don't trust yourself around ovens, whip up a delicious Mother's Day cocktail for a fun happy hour.
8Have A Sleepover
Take it back to the old days and pile up in mom's bed for a sleepover equipped with all of your favorite movies and food.
9Keep It Simple
If your mom is like my mom, quality time with my siblings and I is all she needs. Keep it simple with mom by just hanging out with her around the house for the day.