
9 Funny Valentine's Day Memes That Combine LOL & Love

by Lindsay E. Mack

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, and stores are filling up with flowers, cards, and candy galore. Whether you’re a true romantic or a V-Day hater, there is no escaping the holiday. Thankfully, there are lots of funny Valentine’s Day memes to poke fun at this saccharine day and bring a laugh to singles and couples alike.

Drawing on pop culture references and the Internet's particular brand of humor, these memes perfectly parody the typical Valentine’s Day cards, or at least express sentiments that many people feel this time of year. (I mean, who doesn’t look forward to discount candy on Feb. 15?) And like any collection of memes, some are clever, some are cute, and some are just out there (in the best possible way).

So if you need a refuge from the onslaught of cutesy cards and sweet sentiments, these memes can help give you a breather and a laugh. And although many memes run their course in a matter of weeks or even days, there’s something about the spot-on Valentine's Day parody that has some real staying power. You can even share a V-Day meme with your own Valentine if so inspired. After all, nothing says “I love you!” like sharing something funny from the Internet.

1For The Sci-Fi Enthusiast

Better than a C-3PO out of 10.

2For The Old-School Romantic

RIP Internet Explorer.

3For The Disney/Yeezus Fan

We sure Kim.

4For The Optimist

Feb. 15 is the rea holiday, am I right?

5For The Conspiracy Theorist

Yeah, we don't get this one either. . .

6For The Colorful Pragmatist

Double does of V-Day love.

7For The Wordsmith

Who doesn't love a good pickup line.

8For The Cat Friend

Science + cats = WIN

9For The Unrequited Lover

Oh Leo. We know this is your year.