
9 Pinterest Crafts You And Your Child Can Actually Accomplish, No Artistic Skill Required
Making crafts with your kids can easily go one of two ways. It can be a magical bonding experience full of laughter and perfect masterpieces yielding minimal messes, or it can be a veritable nightmare where paint gets smeared on every surface imaginable and you end up swapping out the paint for crayons and hiding with a glass of wine while your child colors in peace amidst the ruins of your Pinterest fail.
If your craft times often end up more like the second scenario, don’t worry. There are plenty of kid-friendly Pinterest crafts that will save you from another miserable artistic endeavor. Crafts are a great outlet for kids, but are often a stressful venture for mom, so these worry-free crafts will help you create something practical, fun or playful with easy step-by-step directions.
We can’t guarantee there won’t be any messes to clean up, but we do promise that each of these crafts are easy enough for a child to help with and all yield awesome results. Some of them are super simple and can be made in a matter of minutes, while some will take a bit more foresight and skill (meaning sewing a few stitches), but they’re all awesome projects to get the creative juices flowing. So set down the wine, and pick up your paintbrush and your kiddo and let’s make something!
1DIY Block Printed Napkins
Molly from Almost Makes Perfect has the perfect way to dress up boring napkins with simple handmade block stamps. It’s the perfect craft to do with your little or in preparation for a dinner party.
2“Oh The Places You’ll Go” Bracelet
These Dr. Seuss inspired bracelets from 30 Minute Crafts turn you child’s favorite book in to accessories they can wear.
3Confetti Soap
What better way to inspire cleanliness in your kids than by making it sparkly? These DIY confetti soap bars from Burlap and Blue would make the perfect gifts or incentive to wash your hands more often.
4Kids Art Turned Plush Toy
Though this project requires (minimal) sewing skills, it is well worth the extra work. Aunt Peaches has an easy way to turn your child’s drawings into toys they can cuddle and play with for much longer.
5Simple Felt Wreath
DIY Candy’s tutorial for this felt wreath would make the perfect afternoon craft. You can easily customize the colors to fit the season, a party, or to match your decor.
6Magnetic Chalkboard Thought Bubbles
Girl Loves Glam came up with the cutest solution to add a little bit of personality to your kitchen. These chalkboard magnets can act as reminders, to-do lists. or cute notes for family members.
7Solar System Bead Necklace
Wear the universe as an accessory with this adorable painted wooden bead necklace from Handmade Charlotte.
8Scribbles Turned Modern Art
The girls at A Beautiful Mess have a great tutorial to turn your kiddo’s scribbles into modern art.
9Photo Wall Hanging
Are you one of the many people who love taking photos but don’t love the hassle of framing them and displaying them? Homey Oh My has the perfect solution with a DIY photo wall hanging. This is also a great way for you to clear out the clutter of photos you’ve gathered over the years, and reminisce on all your family-made memories.
Images: A Beautiful Mess; Almost MakesPerfect; 30MinuteCrafts; BurlapandBlue; AuntPeaches; DIYCandy; GirlLovesGlam; HandmadeCharlotte; ABeautifulMess; HomeyOhMy