
9 Precautions To Take When Trying To Conceive

by Olivia Youngs

The decision to have a baby is simultaneously scary, exciting, and stressful. It's also a decision that shouldn't be taken lightly, as pregnancy (and the baby that comes afterwards) will change you, your partner, and your relationship for good. Although the change can wonderful, it's best to be as prepared as possible even before you get pregnant in the first place. Knowing the proper precautions to take when trying to conceive can help ensure that you and your partner are both ready to become parents and endure the next nine plsu months.

Although you don't need to be plan a pregnancy to have a healthy pregnancy, most experts believe that going into parenthood with a plan can help in more ways than one. Known as "conscious conception," Everyday Family noted that preparing to get pregnant can increase your chances of conceiving, decrease your risks during and after pregnancy, and prepare you physically and mentally to become a mother.

These precautions, although fairly intuitive, can transform your pregnancy from an unexpected (yet happy) stress, to a planned and healthy step towards parenthood. So if you and your partner and trying to start a family, you may want to read on before trying to conceive.

1Go In For A Preconception Check Up

Although you're probably looking for a reputable OB-GYN once you get pregnant, scheduling a pre-conception check up is a good idea too. According to Baby Center, scheduling a check up before you get pregnant allows your doctor to check for any issues that may make it difficult to conceive and ensure your body is ready to have a baby.

2Stop Drinking And Smoking

Creating a safe and healthy environment for your baby is important even before you even get pregnant. Parents suggested that moms-to-be stop smoking, drinking, and using any drugs before they try to conceive to minimize risk to the baby and to ensure they're as healthy as possible.

3Start Taking A Prenatal Vitamin

According to Fit Pregnancy, taking a prenatal vitamin up to three months before you plan to get pregnant can ensure your body has the necessary nutrients and ideal hormone levels for conception. It can also help mature your egg, which starts to form up to three months before it's released, the article stated.

4Eat As Healthy As Possible

As strange as it sounds, your fertility and your diet are inextricably linked. According to Baby Center, both partners should eat as healthy to increase their chances of conceiving. Both men and women should focus on getting enough folic acid, as it's essential in creating healthy sperm and helping with ovulation.

5Cut Back On The Caffeine

Although the links to caffeine intake and fertility aren't fully known, Baby Center noted that most experts recommend that women who are trying to conceive limit their caffeine intake. You don't have to necessarily give up your daily dose completely, but you can try going down to one or two cups a day or opting for "half-caf" instead of a double shot latte.

6Plan Financially

Aside from preparing physically for pregnancy, preparing practically will save you loads of stress in the long run. Babies cost a lot of money, and saving up early, or at least making sure you can afford it and have good health insurance, will put you steps ahead of many new parents.

7Track Your Cycle

If you've been on birth control, chances are you aren't all that familiar with your cycle and when exactly you're ovulating. Kid Spot noted that learning how to track your fertility using a calendar or a fertility thermometer, will increase your chances of having sex at the right time to make a baby.

8Learn Your Family History

When you go in to your first prenatal check up, your OB-GYN will likely ask you about your mother and grandmother to see if there are any preexisting family conditions that may affect your pregnancy or ability to conceive. If you don't know already, ask your family beforehand if there's anything you should know going into a pregnancy.

9Talk To Your Partner

Getting on the same page about conception with your partner is of the utmost importance. Although you'll be the one carrying the baby, having a supportive partner who is as committed to becoming a parent as you are will make your pregnancy much happier and healthier.