
9 Religious Christmas Facebook Caption Ideas To Capture The Holiday's Most Peaceful Moments

by Emily Westbrooks

'Tis the season to post adorable photos of your family and your kids on Facebook with a festive caption attached. Whether you're out getting a Christmas tree in the snow or setting up your stockings, there are so many holiday photo ops. Not everyone celebrates the religious aspects of Christmas, but for those who do, we've rounded up a selection religious Christmas Facebook captions that embrace the origins of the holiday, in all its glory.

It's easy to get swept up in the commercial aspects of Christmas, with gift buying clocking in as the biggest preoccupation of the season. But some celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ as the true meaning of Christmas, and the reason why the holiday exists at all. If this rings true to you, Bible verses and quotes from religious scholars are perfect places to look to for a Facebook caption that captures those peaceful moments when it feels like all the holiday festivities and planning feel like they're getting hectic and overwhelming.

Most of us spend a few moments (like when the kids are finally napping or asleep for the night, or when we've locked ourselves in a pantry hiding from our kids) every day scrolling through our photos and smiling at our cute kids and their holiday antics. This is the perfect time to share one of those sweet photos with your family and friends on Facebook and to pair it with one of these religious Christmas captions that will remind everyone that the holiday season has its peaceful moments, too.

1"Once in our world, a stable had something in it that was bigger than our whole world." — C.S. Lewis

If your kids are old enough to help set up the manger scene this year, this would be a great caption to include when you snap a photo of them arranging the donkeys and camels right up next to baby Jesus.

2"I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year." — Charles Dickens

Keeping the inspiration, values and spirit of Christmas in your heart throughout the year is a good reminder for anyone, but will especially ring true to those who are celebrating the holiday with religious purpose.

3"Each if us is an innkeeper who decides if there is room for Jesus. — Neal A. Maxwell

At this time of year, it's easy to get overwhelmed with having a seemingly endless stream of guests. This caption is a good one for when yet another relative is asking if they can crash at your pad this holiday season. Not that you should compare them to Jesus, but 'tis the season of hospitality so embrace the chaos. Run this caption with a photo of a messy house with suitcases galore for a funny twist. And just remember: the more, the merrier!

4 "Wise men still seek Him!"

A good reminder of the origin of the season for those who celebrate Christmas religiously, that you can take a page from the wise men's book and continue to look for Christ throughout the year.

5For to us a child is born, to us a son is given. — Isaiah 9:6

From the bible story of Jesus, this is a perfect caption for a photo of a quiet moment on Christmas morning, when you get a chance to reflect on the meaning of Christmas before the kids run downstairs and cover your pristine living room with torn wrapping paper and ribbons.

6"Joy to the world, the Lord is come" — Joy to the World Christmas Carol

Joy to the World is one of the loveliest, most cheerful holiday songs, and its refrain is a great caption for a pic of one of the most joyful moments of the day, or a photo of your family around the table sharing Christmas dinner.

7"Sleep in heavenly peace" — Silent Night Christmas Carol

Perfect for a photo of your angelic little munchkins, fast asleep after a busy day celebrating Christmas.

8His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. — Isaiah 9:6

On Christmas Eve, some families like to read the story of Jesus' birth from the Bible, and this is one of the best and most caption-able lines that sums up their beliefs. Pair it with a sweet photo of you or your partner reading a bedtime story to your kids.

9Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. — Luke 2:14

If you're wishing your family and friends on Facebook a merry Christmas, this is a nice verse to include. And it's a nice gesture to wish peace on earth and goodwill to everyone for the coming year, no matter their beliefs.

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